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War 1879 (medal with clasp); served in Egyp- , tian Campaign 1882 (medal and 3rd class Med- jidie) and in operations against Witu 1890 j (mentioned in despatches) : /. 1880, Frances ! Mary, da. of Col. Gilbert William Francklyn [ [see Cunard, Bart.], formerly of i7th Foot; cr. C.M.G. 1879, C.B. 1887. BRADSHAW, Surq. -Maj.-Gen. Alexander Frederick, C.B., M.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., son of the late G. Bradshaw, Esq., of Inland Revenue j Depart.; b. 1834 ; entered Army Med. Depart. 1857, became Surg. 1871, Surg.-Maj. 1873, ! Brig.-Surg. 1882, Dep. Surg. -Gen. (now Surg.- ' Col.) 1886, and Surg.-Maj. -Gen. 1892 ; served j with and Batn. Rifle Brig, during Indian Mutiny 1857-9, present at siege and capture of Lucknow ; (medal with clasp), and as Principal Med. Officer with Zhob Valley Expedition 1884 (men- ' tioned in despatches), and with Hazara Field i Force 1891 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, C.B.); was attached to " Chestnut Troop" of R.H.A. 1866-9, and to Personal Staff of successive Corns. -in-Ch. in India (Gen. Sir William Mansfield, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., Gen. Lord Napier of Magdala, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., and Gen. Sir Frederick Haines, G.C. B., G.C.S.I., C.I.E.) ; is Hon. Surgeon to Vice- roy of India (Marquess of Lansdowne), and a Fellow of Roy. Geographical and of Medical and Chirurgical Sos. : m. 1864, Ellen C., da. of Col. R. S. Ewart, Bengal Army; cr. C.B. 1891. Simla, India; Aniiy and Navy and Junior Carlton Clubs. BRADSHAW, Vice-Adm. Richard, C.B., son of J. H. Bradshaw, Esq. ; b. 1829 ; entered R.N. 1842, became Lieut. 1852, Com. 1862, Capt. 1868, Rear-Adm. 1885, and Vice-Adm. 1891 ; retired 1883 ; served throughout Abys- sinian Campaign 1867-8 (medal), with Naval Brig, in Ashantee Campaign 1873-4 (medal), in command on shore of Congo River expedition 1875, and in Zulu War 1879 (medal) ; is a J.P. and a County Alderman for Oxfordshire : JH. 1862, da. of I. Walker, Esq., of Arno's Grove, Southgate ; cr. C.B. 1879. The Grange, Steeple Aston, Oxfordshire ; National Con- servative Club. BRAMSTON, John, C.B., D.C.L., son of the late T. W. Bramston, Esq., M.P., of Skreens, Essex ; ^.1832 ; ed. at Winchester, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1854, Fellow of All Souls' Coll. 1855, D.C.L. 1862) ; Bar. Middle Temple 1857 ; was Private Sec. to Gov. of Queensland (SirG. Bowen) 1859-61, M.L.C. of Queensland 1863-9 a member of Govt. of Queensland without office 1863-6, Assist. Boundary Commr. for Devon and Cornwall 1867, Attorney-Gen, of Queensland 1870-3, and M.L.A. 1871-3, Attorney-Gen, of Hong Kong 1874-6, and Acting Judge of Supreme Court Hong Kong 1874 ; has been Assist. Under Sec. . of State Colonial Depart, since 1876, and Registrar of the Order of St. Michael and St. George since 1892 : m. 1872, Eliza Isabella, da. of the late Rev. Harry Vane Russell ; cr C.B. 1886. Colonial Office, S.W.; Travel- lers' Club BRASYER, Col. Jeremiah, C.B. ; b. 18 ; formerly in Bengal Cav. ; served in Afghan, Sikh, and Indian Mutiny Campaigns; cr. C.B. 1858. BRENNAN, Louis, C.B., son of Thomas Brennan, Esq., merchant, of Castlebar, Mayo, Ireland, and Melbourne, Australia; b. 1852; ed. privately at Melbourne, and was subse- quently articled pupil of a Civil and Mechanical Engineer there ; is Sup. of the Brennan Torpedo Factory, Chatham: m. 18 , Annie, da. of Michael Quinn, Esq., of Castlebar, Ireland ; cr. C.B. 1892. Woodlands, Gilling- ham, Kent. COMPANIONAGE. 75! BRIDGFORD, Col. Robert, C.B.. son of the late J. R. Bridgford, Esq., of Manchester ; b. 1836; is a J.P. for cos. Hereford and Lancaster, a D.L. for Herefordshire, and Lieut. -Col. and Hon. Col. and Vol. Batn. Manchester Regt. ; cr.C.B. 1885. Upper Neivton,Kinnersley, Here- fordshire ; Vhalley Range, Manchester ; Isthmian and Conservative Clubs. BRIGGS, Maj.-Gen. Willoughby Lake, C.B., son of the late Adm. Sir Thomas Briggs, G. C.M.G. ; b. 1827; entered Bombay Army 1843, became Capt. ^sS, Major 1863, Lieut. -Col. 1869, Col. 1874, and Maj.-Gen. 1875 ; served on frontier of Upper Sind 1852-70 (thanked by Gov.- Gen. in Council for escorting treasure, arms, and ammunition to Quettah for Dost Mahomed Khan, of Cabul, in 1856), in command of Sind Irregular Horse in Persian Expedition 1857 (medal with clasp), at capture of fortress of Awah 1858 (medal), and in command of Sind Horse throughout Abyssinian Campaign 1867-8 (mentioned in despatches, and medal) ; cr. C.B. 1868. 31, Piccadilly, W. ; East India. United Service, and Junior United Service Clubs. BRIGHT, Charles Edward, C.M.G., son of the late Robert Bright, Esq., of Abbots Leigh, Bristol ; b. 1829 ; was Commr. to Ex- hibitionsof London 1862, Dublin 1865, Melbourne 1866-7, London 1873, Melbourne 1880, Calcutta 1883, Adelaide 1887, ar >d Melbourne 1888 ; has been twice Chm. of Melbourne Harbour Trust : m. 1868, the Hon. Anna Maria Georgiana Manners- Sutton, da. of 3rd Viscount Canter- bury ; cr. C.M.G. 1883. 12, Queen's Gate Gardens, S. W. ; Windhain Club. BRISE, Col. Samuel Brise RUGGLES-, C.B., son of the late John Ruggles-Brise, Esq., of Spain's Hall, Essex; b. 1825; ed. at Eton, and at Magdalene Coll., Camb. ; was Cornet ist Dragoon Guards 1844-7 ! formerly Lieut. -Col. Comdt. and now Hon. Col. 4th Batn. Essex Regt. ; is a J.P. and D.L. for Essex, and a J.P. for Suffolk ; sat as M.P. for E. Essex(C) _ : in. 1847, Marianne Weyland, da. of Sir Edward Bowyer-Smijth, loth Bart. ; cr. C.B. 1881. Spain's Hall, Finchingfield, Braintree ; Carlton Club. BROMLOW, Fleet-Surg. Thomas D'Arcy, M.D., D.S.O. ; b. 1 8 ; M.D. Ireland, and L.R.C.S.I. 1863; entered Med. Serv. R.N. 1863, became Staff-Surg. 1877, and Fleet-Surg. 1884 ; served during Soudan Campaign 1884 (medal), and in Burmah Annexation War 1885-7 with Naval Brig.; cr. D.S.O. 1887. BROOKE, Capt. Arthur Thomas, C.B. [see Brooke, Bart., cr. 1822, colls.J. BROOKER, Rear-Adm. George Augustus Cooke, C.B. ; b. 1830; entered R.N. 1846, be- came Com. 1856, Capt. 1862, and retired as Rear-Adm. 1877 ; served in Burmese War 185- (medal), and in China Expedition 1855-8 (medal with clasp); awarded a good service pension 1876 ;cr. C.B. 1877. BROWN, Charles Gage, C.M.G., M.D. , son of the late Charles Brown, Esq., Com. R.N. (sometime Queen's Harbour Master at Portsmouth); b. 1826; ed. at King's Coll., London (Associate 1847); M.R.C.S. England 1847, M.D. St. Andrew's 1851, M.R.C.P. Edin- burgh 1867, F.R.C.P. Edinburgh 1870; has been Physician and Medical Adviser to the Colonial Office and to the Crown Agents for the Colonies since 1874 : in. 1855, Mary Anne, da. of the late William McP. Rice, Esq., formerly Ch. Naval Constructor at H.M.'s Dockyards of Pembroke and Woolwich ; cr. C.M.G. 1889. 88, Sloane Street, S. W. BROWN, George Thomas, C.B. t son of Thomas Brown, Esq., of Netting Hill Terrace,