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COMPANION'AGE. 769 Osmanieh) ; appointed a ist Class Station Staff Officer, Bengal, 1892 ; c>: D.S.O. 1886. DORWARD, Major Arthur Robert Ford, D.S.O. , son of the late James Dorward, Esq., Inspector-Gen, of Hospitals, Madras ; b. 1848; ed. at High Sch., Edinburgh, and at Chelten- ham Coll.; entered R.E. 1868, became Capt.iSSi, and Major 1887; served in Afghan War 1879-80 (mentioned in despatches and medal),and during Burmah Campaign 1885-8, in command of R.E. (twice mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps, Brevet-Maj., thanked byGov.-Gen. of India) ; cr. D.S.O. 1886. East India United Service Club. DOUGLAS, Edward Ronald, C.I.E., son of the late John Douglas, Esq., Assist. Surg., H.E.I.C. ; b. 1825; entered uncovenanted ser- vice of India 1851 ; appointed to Post-office of India 1854, and has been since 1873 Dep. Director-Gen, of Post-office of India; m. 18 ; cr. C.I.E. 1882. Bothweli, Simla. DOUGLAS, John, C.M. G. [see M. Queensberry, colls.]. DOUGLAS, Vice-Adm. Sholto, C.B., son of the late H. Douglas, Esq., Com. R.N. ; b. 1833 ; ed. at Roy. Naval Sch., New Cross ; entered R.N. 1847, became Com. 1858, Capt. 1866, Rear-Adm. 1881 (retired 1888), and Vice- Adm. 1888 ; served in Caffre War (medal), in Burmese War (medal), in Baltic during Russian War (medal), and with China Expeditionary Force 1856-8 (medal with three clasps) ; m. ist, 1864, Maria Louisa, who d. 1882, da. of the late William Bickford, of Stonehouse, Devon ; 2nd, 1883, Harriet Emilie, widow of J. R. Catterson, Esq., of Hull ; cr. C.B. 1881. Wil- ton Lodge, Southsea. C.B., son of the late Lieut. -Gen. Howard Dowker ; b. 1829; entered Madras Army 1848. became Capt.and Major 1868, Lieut. -Col. M.S.C. 1868, Col. 1875, Major-Gen. 1886, and Lieut-- Gen. 1890; served during Indian Mutiny 1857-8 (severely wounded, mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), and in Afghan War 1880, with Candahar Field Force: in. 1864, Cecilia Augusta, da. of the late Thomas Onslow, Esq. [see Onslow, Bart., colls.] ; cr.C.B. 1887. Afiln Thorp, Meads, Eastbourne. DOWNES, Corny. -Gen. Arthur William, C.B., son of the late William Downes, Esq., of Ludlow ; b. 1827 ; ed. at Ludlow and Shrews- bury ; entered Commissariat Depart, of Army 1847, became Dep. Corny. -Gen. 1873 and retired as Hon. Corny. -Gen. 1880; served in Crimean Campaign i854-5(medal with clasp, and Turkish medal), with China Expeditionary Force 1857-9 (medal with clasp), in Syria on Special Ser. connected with Abyssinian War 1867, and occu- pation of Cyprus 1878 ; is a J.P. and a County- Councillor (Fulham Div.) for London, and a J.P. fer Middlesex: m. 1867, Alice Mary, da. ofC. J. Longcroft, Esq., of Hall Place, Havant; cr. C.B. 1877. 7, arfs Court Square, S. W.; Junior United Service Club. DOWNES, Maj. - Gen. Major Francis, C.M.G., son of the late William Downes, Esq., of Dedham, Essex : 6. 1834; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich ; entered R.A. 1852, became Lieut. -Col. 1877, Col. 1882, and Maj. -Gen. (retired) 1884 ; served in Crimean Campaign 1855 (medal with clasps and Turkish medal) ; was Instructor of Fortification at Roy. Mil. Coll. 1858-9; commanded R.A. at Mauritius 1863-5 and at St. Helena 1869-71 ; was 5 years Instructor to Artillery School for Militia and Vol. Officers, Comdt. of S. Australian Mil. Forces 1877-85, a Member of Royal Commn. on Defences at Sydney i8Si, Sec. of Defence for Victoria 1885-8, and again Comdt. S. Australian Mil. Forces 1838-92 (a Member of Committee of Comdts. on Australian Defences 1889) : '" 1858, Helen, da. of the late R. Chamberlin, Esq., of Catton, Norwich; cr. C.M.G. 1885. Adelaide, South Australia. DOWNES, Capt. William Knox, D.S.O.; b. 1855 ; entered i8th Regt. 1876, and became Capt. B.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1887; served during Afghan War 1879-80 (medal) ; served with Burmah Expedition 1886-7 i cr - D.S.O. 1886. DOYLE, Surg.-Capt. Ignatius Purcell, D.S.O., son of Surg. -Major William Doyle, In- dian Med. Ser. ; b. 1863 ; became Surg. (now Surg.-Capt.) Madras Med. Ser. 1886 ; served during Yaw Rebellion in Upper Burmah 1888-9 (twice wounded, specially mentioned in des- patches, D.S.O.), with Chin Field Force 1889-90 (medal with two clasps), and in opera- tions in Chin Hills 1892 ; cr. D.S.O. 1889. DREW, Maj. -Gen. Francis Barry, C.B. , son of the late Francis Drew, Esq., of Drews Court, co. Limerick ; b. 1825 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Dublin : enteredArmy 1845, becameCapt. 1851, Major 1863, Lieut.-Col. 1873, Col. 1878 (h. p. 1882), and Hon. Maj. -Gen. (retired) 1882 ; com- manded ist Batn. Prince of Wales's Own (York- shire Regt.) 1879-82 ; was Comdt. of Schools of Instruction of Auxiliary Forces at Manchester 1871-2, and at Aldershot 1876-7 ; served in Anglian War 1878-9, in command of 8th Regt. at engagement in Koorun Valley, and ist Brig, at capture of Pie war Kotal, and in other opera- tions in Hariab and Khost Valleys (mentioned in despatches, C.B., medal with clasps): m. ist, 1848, Anne Charlotte, who d. 1852, da. of John Cator, Esq., of Woodbastwick Hall, Norfolk ; 2nd, 1854, Henrietta, who d. 1864, da. of John Hunter, Esq., of Ormley Lodge, Surrey ; 3rd, 1867, Adelaide Emma, da. of the Rev. George Tyrwhitt-Drake, R. of Malpas ; cr. C.B. 1879. i, Eccleston Houses, St. George's Road, S. W. ; Junior United Service Club. DREW, William Leeworthy Good, C.M.G. , son of Capt. George Drew, R.N. ; b. 1826 ; entered R.N. 1842, became Paymaster 1854 (retired 1856), and Fleet Paymaster 1886 ; appointed Auditor-Gen, of Queensland 1877, and Chm. of Board of Civil Ser. Commn. 1889 : m. 1854 ; cr. C.M.G. 1890. Brisbane, Queens- land. DRURY, Lieut.-Col. Edward Robert, C.M.G., son of the late Rev. W. Drury, a Master of Harrow Sch. ; ed. at Brussels ; emi- grated to Australia, 1852 ; served in ist Vol. Corps raised in 1854 ; deputed by Queensland Govt. to give evidence before Royal Commn. on dafence of British Possessions ; services in connection with Queensland Vol. Force favour- ably noticed in 1883 by F.M. H.R.H. the Com.- in-Ch. : in. 1869, Barbara, da. of the late John Grahame, Esq., of Sydney, N.S.W.; cr. C.M.G. 1885. Haivstead, Brisbane, Queensland; Oriental Clitb. DRYSDALE, Lieut.-Gen. William, C.B. ; b. 1819 ; entered Army 1835, became Capt. 1847, Major and Lieut.-Col. 1858, Col. 1864 Maj. -Gen. 1870, retired Lieut. -Gen. 1881, Col. i8th Hussars 1885, and Col. gth Lancers 1891 ; served with 4th Light Dragoons in Afghanistan 1839 (medal), with gth Lancers in Gwalior Campaign 1843 (bronze star), in Sutlej Campaign 1845-6 (medal), in Punjab Campaign 1848-9 (medal with two clasps), and in Indian Campaign 1857-9 (mentioned in despatch, and medal with two clasps}; cr. C.B. 1858. United Service and Army and Nary Clubs. DULIER, Col. Edward Eugene, C.B., son of Antoine Dulier, Esq.,ofNivelles,Belgium ; b. 1851 ; ed. at Brussels Mil. Coll. ; entered Engineers 1872. and was pensioned for health. 49