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COMPANIONAGE. 779 Woolwich; entered R.A. 1837, became Lieut. - Gen. 1880, Hon. Gen. (retired) 1882, and Col. Comdt. 1884; served during Canadian Rebellion 1838, present at action of Prescot, and during Indian Mutiny 1858, with a flying column under Sir John Michel in pursuit of Tantia Topee ; employed in Canada on Roy. Commn. for reporting on defence of the Colony 1861-2 ; v.-as A.A.G. at Korse Guards 1863-7 I ls a J-P- for Middlesex ; appointed a Groom in Wait- ing to H.M. 1869, and an Equerry 1872 : nt. 1849, Frances, da. of the late Francis Newdigate Esq., and Lady Barbara, da. of 3rd Earl of Dartmouth; cr. C.B. 1887. Travellers and United Service Clubs. GARDNER, Christopher Thomas, C.M.G.: b. 18 ; entered Consular Ser. 1861, and be- came Consul at Kinngchow 1877, at Ichang 1880, and at Hankow 1886 ; cr. C.M.G. 1892. British Consulate, Hankow. GARFORTH, Rear-Adm. Edmund St. John, C.B., son of the late William Garforth, Esq., J.P., of Wiganthorpe, near York; /;. 1836; entered R.N. 1849, became Capt. 1876 (retired 1890), and Rear-Adm. 1891 ; served in Baltic 1854 (medal), during Crimean War 1854-5, present at siege of Sebastopol (medal with clasp, Turkish medal), with Naval Brig, in Burmah 1857, during Indian Mutiny, in New Zealand War 1859 (medal), in command of Expedition against Masnaah Forts (Persian Gulf) 1874 (thanked by Indian Govt.), during Malay Campaign in command of Naval Brig, attached to Larut Field Force 1875-6 (men- tioned in despatches, Perak medal), and in Egyptian War 1882, in command of " Eclipse " (medal, bronze star, 3rd class Osmanieh) ; while in command of Hastings Div. of Coast Guard 1870 was presented by Emperor of Germany with a silver telescope for assisting in saving lives of emigrants wrecked off that coast ; is a J.P. for Sussex : ;. 1871, Haidee, da. of the late E. Cooper, Esq., of Failand House, near Bristol; cr. C.B. 1887. 14, Upper Maze Hill, St. Leonard' s-on-Sea; United Service and Royal Yacht Squadron Clubs. GARNETT, Frederick Brooksbank, C.B., son of the late William Garnett, Esq., of West- morland, Insp.-Gen. of Inland Revenue ; 6. ' 1827 ; ed. at Western Gram. Sch. , Brompton ; j entered Depart, of Stamps and Taxes 1842 ; was Lieut. Civil Ser. Rifle Vol. 1860-74 Joint Sec. ' to Board of Inland Revenue 1875-82, Surveyer- Gen. and a Commr. for special purposes of the Income Tax 1882-6, and a Vice-Pres. and Member of Council of Roy. Statistical So. 1887-92 : m. 1863, Mary Charlotte, da. of the i late Col. John Laurie, R.A.; cr. C.B. 1886. 4, Argyll Rood, Kensington, W.; National, Club. GARSTIN, John Henry, C.S.I., son of the late Gen. Edward Garstin, R.E. ; b. 1838 ; ed. : at Haileybury ; entered M.C.S. 1857; served in Tinnevelly and Malabar districts 1859-66 ; was Private Sec. to Baron Napier and Ettrick, K.T., when Gov. of Madras 1866-71, Collector of S. Arcot 1871-6, Additional Sec. to Govt. of Madras 1877-80, Collector and Magis- trate and Agent to Govt. of Fort St. George, in Vizagapatam 1880-1, and a member of Board of Revenue 1882-8, since when he has been a mem- ber of Council of Gov. of Madras; cr. C.S.I. 1878. Madras : East Indian United Service Club. GASCOIGNE, Gen. John Hawkins, C.B. ; b. 1811 ; entered R.M.L.I. 1828; became Capt. 1846, Lieut. -Col. 1857, Col. 1861, Comdt. (Ply- mouth Div.) 1863, Maj.-Gen. 1866, Lieut. -Gen. 1870, and Gen. 1875; retired 1877; served in Baltic 1854 (medal;, and in China Expedition 1860 ; commanded troops at Shanghae, and the R.M.L.I. in all actions that led to occupation of Pekin (medal with two clasps) ; has good service pension : m. ist, 1843, Louisa, who d. 1874, da. of Lieut.-Col. Burton ; 2nd, 1876, Ann, widowof Edward James, Esq., of Swarland Park, Northumberland, and Elvaston Place, S.W. ; cr. C.B. 1860. 26, Sussex Square, Brighton. GASELEE, Lieut.-Col. Alfred, C.B., son of the late Rev. John Gaselee, formerly R. of Little Yeldham, Essex ; b. 1844 i entered 93rd Regt. 1863 and B.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1866, became Capt. 1875, _ Major 1883, and Lieut.-Col. 1889 ; served during N.W. Frontier of India Cam- paign 1863 (medal with clasp), with Abyssinian Expedition 1867-8 (mentioned in despatches, medal), with Bezoti Expedition 1869 (men- tioned in despatches, thanked by Govt. of India), with Jowaki Expedition 1877-8 (men- tioned in despatches, clasp), in Afghan War 1878-9-80, present at march from Kabul to Kandahar and at battle of Kandahar (mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps, bronze star, Brevet Major), with Zhob Valley Expedi- tion 1884 (mentioned in despatches), and with Hazara Field Force 1891 (mentioned in des- patches) ; was D. A.Q.M.G. Bengal 1879-84 : in. 1882, Alice Jane, da. of the late Rt. Hon. W. E. Baxter, of Kincaldrum, Forfar ; cr. C. B. 1 891 . United Service Club. GATACRE, Col. John, C.B., son of Edward Lloyd Gatacre, Esq., of Gatacre, Shropshire ; b. 1841 ; entered Bom. Army 1857, became Capt. Bom. S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1869, Major 1877, Lieut.- Col. 1883, and Col. 1887 ; served during Indian Mutiny 1858, in China War 1860 (medal), in operations in Okhamundel 1865-8, during Afghan War 1879-80 (medal), and with Burmah Expedi- tion 1886-8 in command of 23rd Bombay L.I. (medal, mentioned in despatches) ; has com- manded a 2nd Class Dist., Bombay since 1891, with local rank of Brig. -Geo. ; cr. C.B. 1887. Xagpur, Central Pro^'inces, India ; Naval and Military Club. GATACRE, Col. William Forbes, D.S.O.; b. 1843 ; entered 77th Regt. 1862, became Capt. 1870, Major Middlesex Regt. 1881, Lieut.-Col. 1882, and Col. 1886 ; served with Hazara Field Force 1888 ; was Instructor in Surveying at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst 1875-9, D.A.A. and Q.M.G., Aldershot 1879-80, Mil. Sec. to Com.- in-Ch., Bombay 1881-2, in command of Mid- dlesex Regt. 1884-5, D.Q.M.G., Bengal 1885-90, and in command of Mandalay Brig, 1890-91, since when he has been A.G., Bombay, with rank of Brig.-Gen. ; cr. D.S.O. 1889. Bombay. GATT, Col. Frederic, C.M.G. , only son of the late Major William Gatt, Malta Fencible Artillery; b. 1841; entered Roy. Malta Fencibles 1858, became Capt. Roy. Malta Fencible Artillery (now Roy. Malta Artillery) 1872, Major 1884, Lieut.-Col. 1885, and Brevet-Col. 1889 ; served as Colonial A.D.C. on Staff of successive Govs. and Coms.-in-Ch. of Malta Field Marshal Sir J. Lintorn A. Simmons G.C.B., G.C.M.G., Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry D'O. Torrens, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., and Lt.-Gen. Sir H. A. Smyth, K.C.M.G.) ; has been Lieut Col. Comdg. Roy. Malta Militia(which he raised in eight months) since 1889; cr. C.M.G. 1890. 5, Strada Frederico, Valletta, Malta. GATT, Maj.-Gen. Saverio, C.M.G., son of the late S. Gatt, Esq. ; b. 1808 ; entered Malta Fencible Regt. 1825, became Capt. 1847, Major 1858, Lieut.-Col. Malta Fencible Artil- lery 1861, Col. 1866, and Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1877 ; has served on Staff at Malta as Acting Barrack Master, Major of Brigades and A.Q.M.G. : m. ist 1827, Rosa, da. of Lieut. - Gen. the Baron Michele Carrascosa, of the Nea- politan Army ; and, 1846, his cousin, Angelica