Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/862

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784 COMI'AMONAGE. Dist., Madras : m. 1869, Elizabeth M. C., da. of Maj.-Gen. J. W. T. Bean, B.S.C.; cr. C.B. iSSg. Myingyan, Burmah. GRANT, Lieut.-Col. Edward Long, C.B., son of the late Edward Grant, Esq., B.C.S. ; b. 1823; ed. at Addiscombe ; entered Madras Army 1841, became Capt. 1854, Major 1858, and Lieut.-Col. 1865 ; served in Burmese Var i852-3(wounded, medal), during Bengal Mutiny 1857 (wounded), and at defence of Lucknow (severely wounded, medal, Brevet Major): ;;/. 1859, Helena ^Beatrice, da. of the late Maj.- Gen. Sir J. C. Coffin, Madras Army; cr. C.B. 1887. " Fortstdalr" Wellington, Neilgherry Hills, Madras. GRANT, Adm. Henry Duncan, C.B. : b. 1834; entered R.N. 1847, became Com. 1858, Capt. 1864, Rear-Adm. 1881, Vice-Adm. 1888, and Adm. 1892; served in Baltic expeditions 1854-5 (medal), and in Indian Mutiny 1857-9, with Pearl's Naval Brig, (twice specially men- tioned, and medal); was an A.D.C. to H.M. 1879-81, and Adm. Sup. of Devonport Dock- yard 1885-8 : in. 1859, Agnes, da. of Com. W. V. Lee, R.N. ; cr. C.B. 1875. Combe Lodge, Liss, Hants. GRANT, Col. Henry Fane, C.B., son of F.-M. Sir Patrick Grant, G.C.B. ; b. 1848; entered Army 1868, became Capt. 1879, Major 1881, Lieut.-Col. 1884, and Col. 1888 ; some- time Col. Comdg. 7th Dragoon Guards ; served with Egyptian Army in Nile Expedition 1884 (Brevet Lieut.-Col. and Medjidie), and in Soudan Expedition 1885 (two clasps and C.B.) ; appointed A.A.G., Bengal 1891 ; cr. C.B. 1885. Allahabad, N.W. Provinces, India. GRANT, John Glasgow, C.M.G., son of the late Francis Bell Grant, Esq., of Barbados ; b. 1805; Bar. Middle Temple 1839; filled various judicial and other appointments in Barbados, and in 1854 was appointed a Master in Chancery of that island ; elected a Member of House of Assembly 1842, and Speaker thereof 1875 ; became a M.L.C. 1879, and eventually senior member: m. 1842, Mary Elizabeth, el. da. of John Walter, Esq. ; cr. C.M.G. 1884. Sonth- vieiv. The Grove, Ealing, W. ; Holborn House., Barbados. GRANT, Maj.-Gen., Robert, C.B., son of the late Sir Robert Grant, G.C.H. ; b. 1837 ; entered R.E. 1854, became Capt. 1860, Major 1872, Lieut.-Col. 1878, Col. 1883, and Maj.-Gen. 1891 ; served with Soudan Expedition, 1885, in command of R.E. (mentioned in despatches) ; was D.A.A.G. at Headquarters 1871-6, Col. on Staff Comdg. R.E., N. British Dist., 1884-5, and D.A.G. at Headquarters 1886-91, since when he has been Inspector-Gen, of Fortifica- tions and of R.E., with temporary rank of Lieut. -Gen. : m. 1875, Victoria Alexandrina, da. of the late John Cotes, Esq., of Woodcote Hall, Salop, and widow of T. Owen, Esq., of Condover Hall ; cr. C.B. 1889. 14, Granville Place, Portman Square, W. ; Travellers' and United Service Clubs. GRAY, Samuel Brownlow, C.M.G., son of B. Charles T. Gray, Esq. ; b. 1823 ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1847 ; appointed Inspector of Schools, Bermuda, 1848, a Member of Assembly 1861, and a M.E.C. 1888 ; is Attorney-Gen, of Bermuda; cr. C.M.G. 1888. Bermuda. GREEN, Col. Malcolm Scrimshire, C.B.; b. 18 ; entered Bombay Army 1844, and re- tired as Col. 1870; cr. C.B. 1861. 78, St George's Road, S.H'.; United Service Club. GREEN, Col. William, C.B., son of the late William Green, Esq., J.P., of Lynnburn, Aber- lour, N.B. ; b. 1836 ; entered 42nd Royal High- landers 1855, became Capt. 1859, Major 1874. Lieut.-Col. iSSi. Lieut.-Col. comdg. ist Batn. The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 1883, and Col. 1885 (h.p. 1892); served in Crimean Campaign 1855-6 (medal with clasp and Turkish medal), in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (mentioned in despatches, and medal with clasp), in Ashanti War 1873-4 (medal), in Egyptian War 1882 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, 4th class Osmanieh and bronze star), and in command of his Regt. in E. Soudan Campaign 1884, present at battles of El Teb and Tamai (slightly wounded, mentioned in despatches, two clasps, and C.B.), and throughout Nile Expedition 1884-5 (mentioned in despatches and two clasps) ; commanded Regimental Dist. No. 75, 1887-92 : m. 1862, Williamina Green, da. of the late John Gordon, Esq., Leith ; cr. C.B. 1884. Lynnburn, Aberlmtr, Stratltspey. N.B. GREGORIE, Maj.-Gen. Charles Frederick, C.B., son of the late David William Gregorie r Esq. ; b. 1834 ; ed. at Westminster ; entered Army 1855, became Major 1867, Lieut.-Col. 1876, Col. 1881 (h.p. 1885), and Maj.-Gen- 1890 ; was Comdt. 2nd Batn. Royal Irish Regt. 1878-81 ; served in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (medal with two clasps), and in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (medal with clasp and 3rd class Medjidie) ; commanded 35th Regt. Dist. 1883-5;: was A.A.G., S.E. Dist. 1885-90 ; has com- manded ist Inf. Brig, at Aldershot since 1891 ; cr. C.B. 1882. Aldershot. GREGORY, Augustus Charles, C.M.G., son of the late J. Gregory, Esq., Lieut. 78th Regt.; b. 1819 : entered Civil Ser., W. Australia, 1842 ; engaged in Exploration of Australia 1848-59, and received gold medal of Roy. Geographical So. ; was Surveyor-Gen, of Queens- land 1859-75 ; appointed a M.L.C. of Queens- land 1882; cr. C.M.G. 1874. "Raintv0rth,' r Brisbane, Queensland. GREY, Co/. Leopold John Herbert, C.S.L [see E. Gre3', colls.]. GRIESBACH, Carl Ludolph, C.I.E., son of George Ludolph Griesbach, E>q. ; b. 1847 ; served in Afghan War 1880 with the 66th Regt., present at action of Girishk, battle of Maiwand, and siege and battle of Kandahar (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp) ; accompanied the Takht-i-Suliman Expedition, and was attached to the Afghan Boundary Commn. 1884-6, and on special service 1888 and 1889 ; is Capt. and Hon. Major 4th Batn. Roy. Fusiliers, and a member of Geological Survey Depart, of India : m. 1869, Emma, who d. 1892, da. of the late Rev. R. W. 'Griesbach, V. of Millington, Yorkshire; cr. C.I.E. 1887. GRIFFIN, William Henry, C.M.G.; b. 18 ; entered Post Office, Canada 1831 ; was Surveyor of Post Offices 1835-51, Sec. of Post Office 1851-7, and Dep. Postmaster- Gen. of Canada 1857-68, and of the Dominion 1868- 88 ; appointed a Member of the Board of Audit 1858, and of the Civil Ser. Commn. 1862, Commr. for reorganisation of Civil Ser. 1868, and a member of Board of Customs, Excise, and Stamps 1864 ; negotiated Postal Convention with U.S.A. 1875 ; is Vice-Pres. of Civil Ser. Building and Savings So., and Chm. of Civil Ser. Board; cr. C.M.G. 1890. Ottawa, Canada. GRIFFITH, Col. Charles Duncan, C.M.G., son of the late Charles Griffith, Esq., R. M.L.I.; b. 1830 ; was Lieut. Uitenhage Hottentot Levy during Kafir War 1846-7, Lieut, ist Div. Kafir Police 1848-50, Capt. Comdt. Albany Hottentot Levy during Kafir War 1851-2 (medal, and several times mentioned in gen. orders), Comdt. 2nd Div. of Armed Mounted Police 1852-5, and Inspector thereof 1855-7, second in command during operations 1357-8 against the chiefs