Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/864

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786 . COMPANIONAGE. bury Manor, Guitdford ; 13, Q-icoi Street. HAMILTON, Edward Walter, C. B . [see May/air. II'.; Arthurs Club. g. Belhaven, colls.]. HAGGARD, Capt. Andrew Charles Parker, HAMILTON, Lieut. -Gen. Henry Meade, D.S.O., son of William Haggard, Esq., of, Bradenham Hall, Norfolk ; I'. 1854 ; entered King's Own Scottish Borderers 1873, a "d be- came Capt. 1883; retired 1891: was Adj. ist Reserve Depot. Ismailia 1882. till close of oper- ations, and sent on special service to Suakin and Massowah, Feb. to April. 1884 ; proceeded to Senheit to report on fortifications.and negotiated release of European prisoner ; surveyed part, and wrote report and itinerary, of route to Khartoum, via Kassala, now adopted by Intel- ligence Depart, (mentioned in special naval des- patches) ; served in Egyptian Expedition 1884, being present at battle of Tamai, and advance on Tamanieh (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, Khedive's Star).at Suakin as Lieut. - C.K., son of the late John Hamilton, Esq., of The Grove, co. Meath ; />. 1819 ; entered Army 1839, became Capt. 1849, Major 18^4, Lieut. - Col. 1856, Col. 1863. Maj.-Gen. "1877, and retired Lieut. -Gen. i33i ; served in Crimean Campaign as D.A.Q.M.G. and A.Q.M.G. 1854-6 (several times mentioned in despatches, medal with three clasps, 5th class Medjidie' and Turkish medal) ; commanded i2th Regt. in New Zealand War 1863-6 (medal) ; is a J.P. in New Zealand, and Col. Roy. Munster Fusiliers : in. 1845, Henrietta Mary, da. of the Rev. Sir Erasmus Dixon Borrowes, 8th ; cr. C.B. 1875. 26, Charles Street, St. James's, S. J!'. : A niiy and Xavy and United 'tT'ii't' Clubs. Col. Comdg. ist Batn. Egyptian Army during HAMILTON, Col. Ian Standish Monteith, investment by Osman Digna 1884-5 (4 tn class Osmanieh and Suakin clasp), and during Nile Expedition 1884-5, being present at battle of Ginness and advance on Abri (mentioned in despatches) ; was thanked for services by H. H. the Khedive and awarded jrd class Mediidieh on leaving Egyptian Service : ;;/. 1883, Emily Isabella, da. of the late Peter Chirnside, Esq., of Newham, Northumberland ; cr. D.S.O. 1886. Xat'ai and Military and Hiirlingham Clubs. H AIG, Lieitt. Col. Arthur Balfour, C. M. G. , son of Robert Haig, Esq. ' b. 1840 ; ed. at Rugby, and at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich; entered R.E. 1859, became Capt. 1872, and Majorand Lieut. D.S.O. , son of Lieut. -Col. Christian Monteith Hamilton, g2iid Highlanders: /. 1853; entered Army 1872, became Capt. Gordon Highlanders 1882, Major 1885, Lieut.-Col. 1887, and Col. 1891 ; served during Afghan War 1879-80 (men- tioned in despatches, medal with 2 clasps), in S. African Var 1881 (severely wounded, mentioned in despatches), with Soudan Expedition 1884-5 (mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps, bronze star), and with Burmah Expedi- tion (mentioned in despatches, Brevet Lt.-Col.) ; has been A.A.G., Bengal since 1890: m. 1888, Jean, da. of Sir John Muir, ist Bart. ; cr. D.S.O. 1801. Col. 1881, when he retired : was an Equerry to HAMILTON, William Alexander BAILLIE-, H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh 1864-81, since C.B., C.M.G. [see E. Haddington, colls.] borough Club. HALE, Surg.- Capt. George Ernest, D.S. O., el. son of G. W. Hale, Esq.. of Paignton, S. Devon; /'. 1861 ; entered Army Med. Depart. 1885, and is Surg.-C'apt. ; served with Soudan Frontier Field Force 1885-6. present at action of Ginnis (medal, bronze star), in Burmah 1889- ?i, and with Toohone (thanked by Govt. of ndia) and Wuntho (mentioned in despatches, D.S.O.) Expeditions 1891-2 (medal with clasp) ; cr. D.S.O. 1892. Junior Army and Xary Club. HALLORAN, Henry, C.M.G., son of the late Rev. L. H. Halloran, D.I). ; /'. 1811 ; served in public service of N.S.W. 1828-78, and was Principal Under Sec. to Govt. 1866-78 ; was a Lieut, of Vol. Cav. and Mounted Rifles 1854- 64; has been a J.P. for N.S.W.since 1867; has contributed extensively to local literature, prin- cipally as a verse writer : ;//. 1841, Elizabeth 847-70. and was present during the wars in 1847, 1860-1, and 1863-65 (medal) ; in charge of Gun Wharf. Chatham 1870-75; em- ployed at War Office 1875-8, and at Dover and Aldershot 1878-80, when he retired as Comy.- Gen. with relative rank of Maj.-Gen. ; cr. C.B. 1871. Junior Censer; -atii'e Club. HAMMILL, Capt. Tynte Ford, C.., son of the late J. B. Hammill. Esq., of Saltlands, Bridgwater ; b. 1851 ; entered R.N. 1865, became Com. 1881, and Capt. 1885; served at Bombardment of Alexandria 1882, and subsequently with Naval Brig, (medal with clasp, bronze 'star, 3rd class Medjidie), and with Nile Expedition 1884-5, rendering valuable services in surveying Nile and Cataracts (specially mentioned in despatches, clasp, promoted Capt.) ; was Member 01 Ordnance Committee 1886-7 ; has been Assist. Director of Naval Intelligence since

cr. C.B. 1802.

Henrietta, da. of Joseph Underwood, Esq., of HAMMOND, Col. Arthur George,, Ashfield Park (one of the earlier capitalist settlers), merchant and shipowner, of Sydney ; cr. C.M.G. 1878. Mo-.vbray, Ashfield, Sydney; Australian Club (Sydney). HALY, Col. Richard Hebden O'GRADV-, D.S.O.. el. son of the late Gen. Sir William O'Grady-Haly, K.C.B. ; b. 1841 ; entered Army iSs8, became Capt. 1866. Major 1879, Lieut.-Col. 1882, and Col. 1886 (h.-p. 1890); served with Egyptian Expedition 1882 (medal with clasp, bronze star, promoted Lieut. -Col. X and with Haxara Field Force 1888, in command of 2nd column (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp. D.S.O.); appointed A.A.G;. Belfast,

m. 1865, Geraldir.e Mary, da of the late

D.S.O., V.C., son of the late Major T. J. Ham- mond, Hon. E.I.C.S.;^. 1843 ; ed. atSherborne, and at Addiscombe ; entered Bengal Army 1861. became Capt. B.S.C. 1873, Major 1881, Lieut.- Coi. 1887, and Brevet-Col. 1890; served with Jowaki Expedition 1877-8 (mentioned in des- patches, medal with clasp), during Afghan War 1878-80 (mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps, V.C.), and with Hazara F'ield Force 1 888 (mentioned in despatches, clasp), and 1891 in command of 2nd Brig, ^nentioned ; n des- patches, clasp); appointed A.D.C. to H.M. 1890: in. 1886, Edith Jane, da. of the late Major J. H. Wright, M.S.C. ; cr. D.S.O. 1889, C.B. 1891. East India United Service Clttb. Maj.-Gen. Charles Gostling, R. A. ; cr. D.S.O. HAMNETT, George, C.I.E., son of the 1889. Belfast: mtegatts. Friinley, Surrey; late James Hamnett, Esq., of Bangalore ; b. United Semite Club. 1826 ; entered Madras Uncovenanted Civil Ser-