Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/866

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788 COMPANIONAGE. Med. Depart, of Army 1851, became Surg. 1858, Surg.-Maj. 1871. Dep. Surg.-Gen. 1879, and Surg.-Gen. 1884 ; retired 1888 ; served in Kaffir War 1851-3 (medal), in Haxara Campaign 1868 (medal with clasp), and in Afghan Campaign 1879-80; was Principal Medical Officer in Ire- land 1885-8; cr. C.B. 1881. HASTINGS, Capt. Alexander Plantagenet, C.B. : cr C.B. 1882 [see E. Huntingdon, colls.]. HASTINGS, Capt. Edward Spence, J).S.O.; b. 1856 ; entered Army 1874, transferred to M.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1876, and became Capt. 1885 ; served during Afghan War 1878-80 (men- tioned in despatches, medal), in Transvaal and > Basuto Campaigns 1880-1 (mentioned in de- , spatches, medal), and with Burmah Expedition 1885-7 (mentioned in despatches, medal) ; cr. : D.S.O. 1887. HAWES, Col. Alexander James Donnelly, D.S.O. ; b. 1840; entered Bengal Army 1859, I became Capt. B.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1871, Major | 1879, Lieut.-Col. 1885, and Col. 18 ; served ' with Tumloong Field Force 1880, against the j Bezotis 1869, with Jowaki Expedition 1877-8 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), I during Afghan War 1878-9 (mentioned in des- , patches, medal), with Zhob Valley Expedition 1884 (mentioned in despatches), and with ' Hazara Field Force 1888 ; cr. D.S.O. 1889. HAWKES, .Maj.-Gen. Henry Philip, C.B.; b. 1834; entered Army 1850, became: Capt. M.S.C. 1862, Major 1868, Lieut.-Col. 1876, Col. 1881, and Maj.-Gen. 1891 ; served with Abyssinian Expedition 1867-8 (mentioned in despatches, medal), and with Perak Expe- dition 1878 (medal); cr. C.B. 1887. HAWKINS Maj.-Gen. Alexander Ccesar, C.B. [see Hawkins. Bart.]. HAWLEY, Lieut.- Gen. Robert Beaufoy, C.B., son of Robert T. Hawley, Esq.; /-. 1821 ; entered Army 1838, became Capt. 1851, Major 1855, Lieut.-Col. 1860, Col. 1865, Maj.-Gen. 1870, Lieut. -Gen. (retired) 1883, and Col. Comdt. King's Roy. Rifle Corps 1890 ; served with 8gth Regt. in Crimean Campaign 1854-5 (medal with clasp, sth class Medjidie, and Sardinian and Turkish medals) ; was Assist. Mil. Sec. 1873-8, and D.A.G. at Head-quarters 1878-83 : m. 1857, Anne, whorf. 1861, da. of J. B. Gumbleton, Esq.; cr. C.B. 1877. Stratton, Cirencester; United Service Club. HAWTAYNE, George Hammond, C.M.G., son of the late G. Hawtayne, Esq., of London ; /'. 1832 ; ed. at King's Coll. Sen., London ; was private Sec. to Lieut.-Gov. of St. Vincent 1854, Police and Stipendiary Magistrate of Leeward Dist. of that Colony 1857 ' Capt. in Militia 1862 ; raised the Queen's Vol. Corps and commanded it 1863-9, was Private Sec. to Gov.-in-Ch. of Windward Islands 1869-71, Police Magistrate of Kingstown Dist. 1872-7, Acting Colonial Sec. of St. Vincent 1871 and 1874, Stipendiary Magis- trate of British Guiana 1877-81, and Acting Ad- , ministrator Gen. of British Guiana 1881-3, since when he has been Administrator Gen. ; was Executive Commr. for British Guiana at Colo- nial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1886 : in. 1857, Elizabeth, da. of the Hon. A. Macleod.of St. Vincent ; cr. C.M.G. 1886. Georgetown, British Guiana. HAY, Col. Alexander Sebastian LEITH-, C.B. , son of the late Col. Sir Andrew Leith-Hay, K.H., M.P , of Rannes; b. 1819; entered Army 1835 and retired as Col. 1860 ; served in Canada during Rebellion 1837-8 ; commanded 031x1 High- landers in Crimean Campaign 1854-5 (medal with three clasps, Legion of Honour, 4th class Medji- die, and Turkish and Sardinian medals), and in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8, and in com- mand of Highland Brig, in Oude Campaign 1858-9 (medal with two clasus); is a J. P. and D. L. for Aberdeer.shire : in. 1860, Christina G. A., da. of William Charles Hamilton, Esq., of Craiglaw, Wigtonshire ; cr. C.B. 1858. Lcith Hall, Kennethinont, Aberdeen ; Junior United Scii'ice, and Xcwj Clubs., HAY, Maj.-Gen. John Crosland, C.S., son of the late Charles Crosland Hay, Esq. ; b. 1837 ; entered Q2nd Regt. 1855, became Capt. 1864, Major 1876, Lieut.-Col. Gordon High- landers 1881, Col. 1885, and Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1887 ; was A.D.C. to Brig. -Gen., Dublin Div. 1866, A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen., Bengal 1870-3 ; served during Indian Mutiny 1857, in Afghan War 1878-80 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), and in S. African War 1881 (twice severely wounded, mentioned in despatches); commanded 2nd Batn. Gordon Highlanders 1885-7 I cr - C.B. 1887. Belgrave Mansions, Grosrenot Gardens, S. W. ; United Service ami JWft 1 (Edinburgh) Clubs. HAY, Licnt.-Gcn. Robert John, C.B. [see M. Tweeddale, colls. j. HAYES, Surg. - Major Aylmer Ellis, D.S.O. ; b. 1850; entered Army Med. Depart. 1877, and became Surg.-Major 1880; served during Afghan War 1878-80 (medal), and at actions of Gemaizah 1888 (3rd class Medjidieh), and of Toski 1889 ; sometime attached to Egyptian Army ; cr. D.S.O. 1889. HAYTER, Henry Heylyn, C.M.G. , son of the late Henry Hayter, Esq., of Eden Vale, Wilts; b. 1821; ed. at Charterhouse; entered Civil Ser. of Victoria in Census Office 1857, promoted to office of Registrar-Gen. 1859, and placed at head of statistic branch of that Depart. 1862; was Sec. to Victorian Civil Ser.- Commn. 1870-2 ; successfully conducted all operations in connection with the Victorian Cen- suses of 1871, 1881, and 1891 ; appointed 1874 Govt. Statist of Victoria ; represented his colony at statistical conferences of Australasian Colo- nies held in Tasmania 1875 and 1890 ; visited England 1879 as sec. to a deputation from the Victorian to the Imperial Govt. ; was a juror at Melbourne Exhibitions of 1875, 1881, and 1889 ; originated the " Victorian Year Book," which he still edits ; author of numerous statistical publications ; is an Officer of the French Order of Public Instruction, a Chevalier of the Crown of Italy, and an hon. member of numerous scientific sos. : in. 1855, Susan, da. of the late William DoddJ Esq., of Porchester Terrace,W. ; cr. C.M.G. 1882. Melbourne, Victoria; Mel- bourne Club. HEATH, Lieiit.-Col. John Macclesfield, C.M.G., son of the late Major-Gen. J. C. Heath, who commanded Sind Div. of Bombay Army ; b. 1843 ; entered Bombay Army 1860, became Capt. 1872, Major 1880, and Lieut.-Col. (retired) 1886 ; whilst Brig. -Major at Aden was deputed by Govt. to withdraw the Egyptian garrison from the Province of Harrar, 200 miles in the interior of E. Equatorial Africa (thanked by Govt. and Military Department and C.M.G.): m. 1860, Madeline, 4th da. of the late Col. Frederick .Sales Clarke, Roy. Scots Greys, and comdg. S.W. Dist.; cr C.M.G. 1886. East India United Service Cltib. HEATH, Rear-Adm. William Andrew James, C.B. [see B. Heath, " Foreign Titles of Nobility"]. HEFFERNAN, John Harold, C.B., son I of the late D. Heffernan, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., of j Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight ; b. 1834 ; entered R.N. 1855, became Ch. Engineer 1868, Inspector of Machinery 1882, and Ch. Inspector of Ma- chinery 1885 ; retired 1892 ; served in " Aga- memnon " when engaged in laying first Atlantic