Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/868

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79 o COMPANJCNAGE. Medjidie); *as Assist. Comet, at Sch. 01" Mil. Engineering 1890-92 ; cr. D.S.O. 1886. HERBERT, Charles St. John Septimus, C.B. ; cr. C.B. 1863. 1889, as Cen-us Commr. for India 1893, and aeain as Private Sec. to Viceroy 1892 ; ap- pointed Dep. Sec. to Govt. of India in Home Depart. 1891 ; cr. C.I.E. 1891. Calcutta and Simla. HERBERT, Col. Ivor John Caradoc, C.B., HEXT, Capt. Tohn, C. I.E., son of the late Rev. F. J. Hext, V. of Morval, Cornwall; b. 1842 ; entered R.N. 1857, became Com. 1874, and Capt. 1882 ; retired 1889 ; served during Egyptian War 1882 (medal, bronze star, 3rd class Medjidie) and in Burmah Campaign 1885-6 (thanked by Govt. of India) ; has been director of Indian Marine and Member of Bombay Port Trust since 188^;, and Hon. A.D.C. to Viceroy ot India since 1 886; cr. C.I.E. 1889. The Dock- yard, Bombay. son of John Arthur Herbert. Esq. [see B. Dan- over] ; b. 1851 ; ed. at St. Mary's Coll., Oscott ; entered Grenadier Guards 1870, became Capt. 1874, Brevet-Major 1882, Lieut.-Col. 1883, and Col. 1889 ; served in Egyptian Campaign 1882, as Brig.-Majorof Brig, of Guards, and on staff of H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, bronze star, 4th class Medjidie), and with Nile Expedition 1884-5 ltwo clasps); is a J.P. and D. L. for Monmouthshire; was Mil. Attache at St. HEYI N1), 'Gen. Alfred Thomas, C.B., Petersburg 1886-90, since when he has been SQn of {he , ate Major Arthur Rowley H ey- Local Maj.-Gen. Comdg. Canadian Mihtia: m. j, w h o was killed at Waterloo when in 1873, the Hon. Albertma Agnes Mary Denison, da. of ist Baron Londesborough ; cr. C.B. 1890. Ottawa, Canada ; 8, Herbert Crescent, Hans Place, S.W.; Guards', Travellers', and Pratt' s Clubs. HERRIES, Edward, C.., son of the late Right Hon. J. C. Herries, M.P. ; l>. 1821 ; en- tered Diplo. Ser. 1841, became Sec. of Legation 1854, and retired 1875 ; was upon numerous occasions Charg6 d' Affaires ; cr. C.B. 1875. St. Julian's, Sevcnoaks; Athenn-uni and Travel- lers' Clubs. HERVEY,6V. Charles Robert West, C.B.; b. 1818 ; entered Bombay Army 1835, became Capt. 1845, Major 1858. Lieut.-Col. 1861, Col. 1866, Maj.-Gen. 1877, Lieut. -Gen. 1881, and Gen. 1889; served in Expedition to Mangalore and Canara 1837, in Upper Scinde and Eastern Cutchee 1840-2, as Comdt. of Scinde Irregular Horse, as Assist. Political Agent and in com- mand of H.H. the Rao of Cutch's Horse in the Runn andThurr 1843-4, as A.D.C. and Sec. to Sir James Outram in Persian Expedition 1857 command of 4oth Regt. ; b. 1813; entered Army 1833, became Capt. 1842, Major and Lieut.-Col. 1854, Col. 1858, Maj.-Gen. 1868. Lieut. -Gen. 1877, and Gen. 1881 ; has been Col. Prince of Wales's Own (W. Yorkshire Regt.) since 1880; served in Crimean Campaign 1854-5 (severely wounded, arm amputated), and siege and fall of Sebastopol (medal with two clasps, Sardinian and Turkish medals, 4th class Medjidie) ; cr. C.B. 1857. Rcdiualls, Dartmouth; United Service Club. HICKMAN, Capt. Thomas Edgecumbe, D.S.O. , son of A. Hick-man, Esq., formerly M.P. for Wolverhampton ; b. 1859 i entered the ArmyiSSi, and became Capt. 1888 ; served with Nile Expedition 1884-5 (medal with two clasps, bronze star, 4th class Medjidie), as Brig.-Maj of Egyptian troops at Suakin 1884-7, an d at actions of Gemaizah 1888 (mentioned in de- spatches, 4th class Osmanieh), and of Toski 1889 (mentioned in despatches, D.S.O.) ; has been attached to Egyptian Army since 1884 cr. D.S.O. 1889. Naval and Military Clubs. HIGGINS, Lieut.-Col. Andrew C. B., C.B. 1863. Arundel, St. Mary Church, Tor- quay, Devon. H E k v EY, Dudley Francis Amelius, C. M. G. [see M. Bristol, colls.]. HEWETT, Maj.-Gen. Edward Osborne, C.M.G., son of the late Col. John Hewett, J.P. and D.L., of Tyr Mab Ellis, Llantrissaot, Glamorganshire; b. 1835: ed. at Cheltenha C.I.E. ; b. 18 ; is Lieut.-Col. Comdt. ist Punjab Rifle Vol. Corps: m. 18 ; cr. C.I.E. 1886. Lahore. HILDEBRAND, Arthur Redding, C.I.E. ; &. x8 ; is Sup. of Southern Shan States ; cr. C.I.E. 1888. Fort Stedutan, Shan States, Woolwich iS6i, and Comdt. Roy. Mil. Coll., Kingston, Canada, 1875-86, and in command of R.E. in W. Dist. 1886-90 ; in. 1864. Catherine Mary, da. of Major Vincent Joseph Biscoe, R.E., of Hookwood, Limpsfield, Surrey; cr. C.M.G. 1883. 5, Elliot Terrace, Plymouth : United Set-nice Club. HEWETT, John Prescott, C.I.E., son of the Rev. John Hewett, V. of Babbacombe, Devon ; b. 1854 '> ed. at Winchester, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford ; entered B.C.S. 1875 ; was A-sist. Magistrate and Collector and Assist. Comrar. N.W.P. and Oudh, 1877-84, in charge of Provincial^ Gazetteer 1823-4, Acting Assist. Accountant-Gen. 1884, Junior Sec. to Board of Revenue 1884-6, and Under Sec. to Govt. in Home Depart. 1886-90 ; acted as Private Sec. to Viceroy 188? , as Sec. to Govt. in Home Depart. Devizes; formerly in 5th Lancers; was A.D.C. to Brig. -Gen. Curetcn in action of Maharajpore 1843 (bronze star), and to Gov.-Gen. with Army of the Sutlej 1845-6 (medal and wounded): was Dep. Inspector-Gen, of Irish Constabulary 1867-76, and Inspector-Gen. 1876-82 ; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Waterford (High Sheriff 1887): tn. ist, 1848, Catherine Elizabeth, who d. 1880, da. of William Hawkins, Esq., of the Cape of Good Hope ; 2nd, 1883, Olivia Maria, who d. 1884. widow of James Barry, Esq. of Bally- clough, co. Cork, and da. of the late Francis Drew, Esq., D.L., of Mocollop Castle, co. Waterford ; cr. C.B. 1874. Mocollup Castle, co. Water/ord; United Semice Club. HILLS, Maj.-Gen. John, C.B., 3rd son of the late James Hills, Esq.. of Nichindepur, Bengal; /'. 1834; ed. at Edinburgh Univ.