Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/870

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792 COMPANIONAGE. HOLLAND, Gerald Edward, D.S.O., son of the late Dennis Holland. Esq., of Dublin ; b. 1860; ed. at Ratcliffe Coll., Leicestershire ; entered Indian Marine 1880, and became Lieut. 1882 ; served with Burmese Expeditions 1885-9 (medal with two clasps), and yith Chin- Lushai Expedition 1889-90 (mentioned in despatches, clasp, D.S.O.) ; cr. D.S.O. 1890. Oriental Club. HOLLAND, Maj.-Gen. Heniy William, C.B., son of the late Major Henry Colson Hol- land, Bombay Army ; /'. 1825 ; entered Bombay Army 1841, became Capt. 1856. Major 1861, Lieut.-Col. 1867, Col. 1868, and Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1877 ; served in Abj-ssinian War as Controller of Supply and Transport 1867-8 (mentioned in despatches, medal, and C. B.) ; was Comy.-Gen. Bombay Army 1870-7 : in. ist, 1850, Ellen, who d. 1863, da. of the late James Farquharson, Esq., Bom. C'.S. ; 2nd, j 1870, May, who d. 1881, da. of the late Robert Hawkes Ellis, Esq., of Leeson Street, Dublin, and widow of Col. Giles Keane ; cr. C.B. 1869. HOLLAND, Lieut. -Col. Trevenen James, C.B., el. son of the late Col. James Holland, of the Park, Upper Norwood, Surrey ; l>. 1834; ed. at Cheltenham Coll.; entered Army 1851, became Capt. 1853, Major 1858, and Lieut.-Col. 1861 ; served as A.D.C. to Lord F. Fitz-Clarence 1853-4, m Crimea 1855 (medal, Sardinian and Turkish medals), as A.Q.M.G. with Persian Expeditionary Force 1856-7 (medal with clasp, and three times specially mentioned in de- spatches), as A.Q.M.G. with Central India Field Force during Indian Mutiny (specially mentioned in despatches, and medal with clasps), and of Mhow column in operations against rebels under Tantia Topee* (specially mentioned in despatches), as A.Q.M.G. dur- ing China Campaign (medal with clasp), and as Q.M.G. throughout Abyssinian Cam- paign (C.B., medals, and specially mentioned in despatches) ; was afterwards attached to War Office, edited and compiled official Record of Abyssinian Campaign; is a J.P., a D.L., and a County Councillor (Tonbridge Div.) for Kent, a J.P. for Sussex, a Knight of Le- gion of Honour, a Knight of Justice of Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and a Knight Grand Cross of Carlos Tercero of Spain ; has 4th | class Medjidie : ;. 1868, Margaret Emma, da. of the late Peter Nicolson, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1868. Mount Ephraim House, Tunbridge li'clls. HOLLO WAY, William, C.S.L ; b. 1828; entered Madras Civil Ser. 1848 ; was a Judge of High Court, Madras, 1863-77; cr. C.S.I. 1875. Egmore, V r estgate-on-Sea ; East India United Seri'ice Club. HOLMES, Robert William Arbuthnot, C.B., son of the late Robert Holmes. Esq., of Moycashel, co. Westmeath ; b. 1843 '> Bar. Ire- land 1876 ; was Clerk of the Crown and Hana- per 1880-2, since when he has been Treasury Remembrancer and Dep. Paymasterfor Ireland; is a J.P. for co. Westmeath : /. 1871, Isabella, da. of the late J. Faviere Elrington, Esq., LL.D., Q.C., Recorder of Londonderry ; cr. C.B. 1887. 24, Upper Fitzivilliain Street, Dublin ; Kildare Street Club. HOLMWOOD, Frederic, C.B. : b. 18 ; was Vice-Consul and Political Agent at Zanzi- bar 1873-80, and Consul 1880-8, since when he has been Consul-Gen, at Smyrna ; cr. C. B. 1887. British Consulate General, Smyrna; Junior Carlton Club. HOLT, Col. William John, C.B.. son of Capt. W. Holt; b. 1839; entered 8gth Regt. 1857, became Capt. 1868, Major 1878, Lieut.- Col. 1882, Col. and Comdt. 2nd Batn. The Queen's (Roy. W. Surrey Resjt.) 1886 (h.p. 1888) ; thanked in gen. orders for saving life on occasion of wreck of pilgrim ship " Diamond " 1886 ; served in Abyssinian Expedition 1867-8' (mentioned in despatches, medal), and with Burmah Expedition 1 886-8 (mentioned in des- patches, medal with two clasps, C.B.) ; com- manded Regt. Dist. No. 83 1800-92, when he was transferred to No. 2 : m. 1861, Alice Violet, da. of Robert Xaviom Murphy, Esq. : cr. C.B. 1887. Gnildford. HOME, CoL Frederick Jervis, C.S.L, second surviving son of the late Maj.-Gen. Richard Home, Bengal Army ; />. 1839 ; ed. at Kensington Gram. Sch. , and at Addiscombe ; entere4 Bengal Engineers 1858, became Capt.. R.E. 1870, Major 1878, Lieut.-Col. 1886, and Col. 1890; has been employed since 1860 on Irrigation Works in Bengal Presidency ; is In- spector-Gen, of Irrigation in India, and Dep. Sec. toGovt. of India in Public Works Depart. : m. 1868, Constance Stanley, el. da. of John Stanley McGowan, Esq. ; cr. C.S.I. 1892. Rookiuood, Simla. India. HOME, Col. Robert, C.I.E.; b. 1834 ; en- tered Bengal Engineers 1853, became Capt. R.E. 1864, Major 1872, Lieut.-Col. 1878, and Col. 1883 ; retired 1890 ; placed on Super- numerary List 1886 ; cr. C.I.E. 1884. 6, Suffolk Square, Cheltenham. HOOD, Col. the Hon. Arthur Wellington Alexander Nelson, C.B. [see V. Bridport]. HOOD, Gen. John COCKBURN-, C.B., son of the late John Cockburn Hood. Esq., J.P. and' D.L. for co. Berwick ; b. 1823 ; entered B.S.C. 1840, became Lieut. -Gen. 1887, and Gen. 1890 ; served in Punjaub Campaign 1848-9, including ist and 2nd sieges of Mooltan (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), during Indian Mutiny 1857-8, present at siege and capture of Lucknow (dangerously wounded, mentioned in despatches, thanked by Gov.-Gen. of India, medal with two clasps. Brevet Major), in several minor actions in Delhi Dist.. and for 8 years with Punjab Frontier Force in Expeditions to Koorm and Busootee on Punjab Frontier ; is a J.P. for Berwickshire : m. 1879, Bell, el. da. of the late Spencer Mackay, Esq., of Petham ; cr, C.B. 1887. Stainrigg House, Coldstreajn.X.B.; 19, Corn-Mall Gardens, S. II'. : United Service Club. HOPKINSON, Gen. Henry, C.S.L. son of Benjamin Hopkinson, Esq. : b. 1020 ; entered Bengal Army 1837, became Capt. 1852, Major- 1861, Lieut.-Col. 1863. Col. 1868, Maj.-Gen. 1881, Lieut. -Gen. 1884, and Gen. 1889; served as Political Officer against Koiadyne Hill Tribes 1847-8, in Punjab Campaign 1848-9 (medal with two clasps), in Burmese War 1852 (medal with clasp), and in Bootan Campaign 1865 (clasp) ; was successively Commr. at Arakan, Pegu, Tennasserin, and Martaban provinces and Assam, and Agent to Gov.-Gen. on N.E. Frontier : in. 1840, Jean, da. of William Mont- gomerie, Esq., M.D., of Bengal Med. Ser.; cr. C.S.I. 1874. 78, Holland Park, W.; United Set-vice Club. HOPTON, Maj.-Gen. Edward, C. B., el. son of Rev. W. P. Hopton, D.L., J.P., of Bishop's Frome ; b. 1837 ; ed. at Eton ; entered Army 1854, became Capt. 1860. Major 1873, Lieut.-Col. 1878, Col. 1882 (h.p. 1890), and Maj.-Gen. 1892 ; served in Crimea 1854 (severely wounded, medal with clasp, and Tur- kish medal), in Indian Mutiny 1857 (medal with clasp), and in Kaffir and Zulu Campaign 1877-9 (medal with clasp): commanded ist Batn. Connaught Rangers 1 880-5 . ar >d 37th Regimental Dist. 1885-90: is a J.P. for Here- fordshire: til. 1874, Clare E., da. of G. Trafford, Esq., of Michaelchurch Court, Hereford ; cr.