Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/873

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COMPANIONAGE." Horatio Austin, K.C.B. ; cr. C.B. 1882. 23, Thurloe Square, S.ll'.; United Service Club. IRVING, Charles John, C.M.G.; b. 1831 ; was a Clerk in Colonial Land and Emigration Office 1852-3, and in Audit Office, Somerset House, 1853-64, when he was appointed Special Clerk in Audit Office, Mauritius ; appointed Auditor - Gen. of Straits Settlements, and a M.E.C. and M.L.C. of the Colony 1867 > was Acting Lieut. -Gov. Malacca in 1870 and in 1877, Acting Colonial Sec. in 1871-2, 1875-6, 1878, and 1883-4, and Acting Lieut.-Gov. of Penang in 1879-80 ; appointed Resident Coun- cillor of Malacca 1879, and of Penang 1882 ; retired 1887; cr. C.M.G. 1881. Tivcrton, Devon. IRWIN, Henry, C.I.E., M.I.C.E., son of the late Yen. Henry Irwin, Archdeacon of Elphin, Killukin, co. Roscommon ; b. 1841 ; en- tered office of Surveyor-Gen, of Coastguard Buildings, Depart, of Director of Works, Ad- miralty 1864, and Public Works Depart, of Ceylon 1866, and of India i86S ; appointed Executive Engineer of Nagpur Central Pro- vinces 1872, Sup. of Works, Imperial Circle, Simla, 1881, Superintending Engineer and Sec. (Public Works Depart.) to the Agents and Gov. - Gen. for Rajputana and Central India 1888, and Consulting Architect to Madras Govt. 1889 : m. 1871, Henrietta Helen, da. of the Rev. Robert Irwin, of Rathcore, co. Meath ; cr. C.I.E. 1888. Mount Abii, Rajputana, India; United Ser- vice {Simla) and Madras Clubs. JACKSON, Capt, Henry Moore, C.M.G. , son of the Rt. Rev. William Walrond Jackson, Bishop of Antigua ; l>. 1849 '> formerly Capt. R.A. ; was Private Sec. and A.D.C. to Gov. of Trinidad (Sir H. Irving) 1874-6, and to Gov. of Newfoundland (Sir J. Glover) 1877-9, Inspector- Gen, of Police, Sierra Leone, 1880-84, Private Sec. and A.D.C. to Gov. of Sierra Leone (Sir A. Havelock) 1881-4, and to Gov. of Trinidad (Sir A. Havelock) 1884-5, and Commr. of Turks Islands 1885-90, since when he has been Colonial Sec. of Bahamas : m. 1881, Emily, da. of the Hon. E. D'Alton Shea, of Newfoundland ; cr. C.M.G. 1892. Nassau, Bahamas. JACKSON, Col. Samuel, C.I.E., son of the late Samuel Jackson, Esq., of Attercliffe ; b. 1845 ; ed. at St. Peter's, York ; is a M.I.C.E., and a J.P. for Bombay; was Loco- motive Sup. of Great Indian Peninsular Railway 1875-91, and Lieut. -Col. Comdt. Great Indian Peninsular Railway Vol.iSSi-gi (retired as Col.): m. 1891, Ada Montfort, da. of Edward Ford Bromley, Esq., and widow of Wilson Bell, Esq., formerly of Bombay; cr. C.I.E. 1883. Belt- wood, Rannioor, near Sheffield ; Byculla Club (Bombay}. JACKSON, Capt. Sydney Charles Fishburn, D.S.O., son of the late W. T. F. Jackson, Esq., Com. R.N.,-of Dedham Grove, Essex ; b. 1863 ; ed. at Wellington Coll. ; entered Roy. Irish Rifles 1882, became Lieut. Hampshire Regt. same year, and Capt. 1890; served in Burmah War 1885-9 (twice mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps), and with Zhob Expedi- tion 1890; is A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen. Sir G. S. White, K.C.B., K.C.I.E., Comdg. Quetta Dist. ; cr. D.S.O. 1889. Army and Navy Club. JACOB, Col. Samuel Swinton, C.I.E. , son of the late Col. William Jacob, Bom. Artillery ; />. 1 841 ; ed. at Addiscombe Coll. ; entered Bom. Artillery-, 1858, and Bom. S.C (now I.S.C.) 1862, became Capt 1870, Major 1878, Lieut. -Col. 1884, and Col. 1888; is a Sup. Engineer in Public Works Depart.. India ; services lent by Govt. as Engineer to State of Jeypore 1867 : m. 1874, Mary Catherine, da. of the late Robert Brown, Esq., of Edinburgh ; cr. C.I.E. 795 890. Jeypore, Rajputana, India; East India I 'niied Service Club, JAMESON, William, C.I.E.; b. 18 ; en- tered Bengal Medical Depart. 1838, and retired as Dep. Surg.-Gen. 1875 ; cr. C.I.E. 1878. JARVIS, Maj.-Gcu. Samuel Peters, C.M. G., el. son of the late S. P. Jarvis, Esq. (Ch. Sup. of Indian Affairs in Canada), of Toronto ; /'. 1820; ed. at LTpper Canada Coll., Toronto; entered Army 1845, became Capt. 1852, Major 1859, Lieut. -Col. 1870, Col. 1875 (h.p. 1876), and retired Maj.-Gen. 1881 ; served throughout Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-9 (medal with clasp), and in Red River Expedition 1870 as Comdt. Ontario Rifles (C.M.G.); was D.A.G. 3rd Mil. District Ontario 1866-75, and Comdt.- Gen. of Colonial Forces at Cape of Good Hope 1878-80; received distinguished service reward 1887 : in. 1850, Renee H., el. da. of the late Capt. John Wilson, R.N. ; cr. C.M.G. 1870. n, Raby Place, Bath; Army and Xavy and Bath ami County (Bat h) Clubs. JEE, Joseph, C.B., V.C., son of the late Christopher Preston Jee, Esq., of Hartshill, Atherstone, Warwickshire ; ed, at Univs. of London and Edinburgh, and Ecole. de Mede- cine, Paris; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1841 ; entered Army as Assist. Surg. 151)1 Hussars 1842, promoted Surg. 78th Highlanders i854,and served with that Regt. in Persian Campaign 1857 (medal with clasp), and throughout Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8, having accompanied Gens. Havelock and Outram's force to the relief of the Residency of Lucknow, where they became besieged for two months (medal with clasps, one year's service for Lucknow, and V.C.) ; transferred to Roy. Dragoons 1864 and became Dep. Inspector Gen. of Army Hospitals (h.p.) 1868 : m. 1880, Norah Carola, da. of the late Charles Riley, Esq., Bar.-at-Law, of 55, Queenborough Terrace, W. ; cr. C.B. 1858. 3, Cokhcrnc Mansions, Bolton Gardens ~est, S.II~. ; Pajrford, near jMorcton-in-Marsk; A rmy and .~avy, Cavalry, and Hurlitigham Clnbs. JEKYLL, Lieut. -Col. Herbert, C.M. G. , son of the late E. J. H. Jekyll, Esq., of Wargrave Hill, Berks : b. 1846; entered R.E. 1866, became Capt. 1878, Major 1886, and Lieut. -Col. 1892; served in Ashantee War 1873-4 (medal) ; was Private Sec. to Earl of Carnarvon when Sec. ot State for Colonies 1876-8, Sec. to Colonial De- fence Committee 1878-9 and to Roy. Commn. on Defence of British Possessions and Commerce Abroad 1879-82, specially employed at War Office and at Singapore 1883-5, Sec. to Colo- nial Defence Committee 1885, Private Sec. to Viceroy of Ireland (Earl Carnarvon) 1885-6, and Sec. to Roy. Commn. on Melbourne Cen- tenary Exhibition 1888-9 ; appointed Sec. to Viceroy of Ireland (Baron Houghton) 1892 : m. iSSi, Agnes, da. of the late W. Graham, Esq., M.P. ; cr. C.M.G. 1885. Athcnieitw and Bur- lington Fine A rts Clubs. JENKINS, Col. Francis Howell, C.B., son of the Rev. David Jenkins, of St. Goran, Cornwall ; b. 1832 ; entered Bengal Army 1851, became Capt. 186^, Major 1871, Lieut. -Col. 1877, and Col. 1879 ; retired 1885 ; served with 4th Sikh Cav. at siege and assault of Delhi 1857 (severely wounded and medal with ciasp), in command of 4th Punjab Infantry in expedition against Cabu Kheyl Wuzerees 1859, in command of a wing of 4th Sikh Infantry in expedition against Mahsood Wuzerees 1860, and in command of Corps of Guides in Umbeyla Expedition 1863 (medal with two clasps), and in Afghan War 1878-80 (medal with two clasps) ; has been A.D.C. to H.M. since 1879; cr. C.B. 1879, United Service and Union Clubs. JENKINS. George Henry, C.M.G., son of