Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/899

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COMPANIONAGE. 821 NORBURY, Dep. Inspector-Gen. Henry Frederick, C.B., M.D. ; b. 1839 ; ed. at Oundle Sch.; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1860, L.S.A. Lond. 1868, M.D. Malta 1870, M.D. Cape of Good Hope 1882; entered R.N. as Surg. 1860, became Staff- Surg. 1872, Fleet-Surg. 1879, and Dep. In- spector-Gen. 1887 ; served on Coast of Syria 1861, in Med. Charge of Naval Brig, in Kaffir War 1877-8 (twice mentioned in despatches and thanked by Legislative Council of Cape of Good Hope), and in Zulu War 1879 as Principal Med. Officer of Sir C. Pearson's column, and of the garrison of Fort Ekowe, present at battle of Inyezane (several times mentioned in de- spatches, both Naval and Mil., and medal with three clasps) ; awarded Blane gold medal 1879; author of "The Naval Brigade in South Africa ": m. 1868, Mina Legge, da. of the late E. G. Wade-Browne, Esq., of Burton ; cr. C.B. 1879. 8, Sinclair Gardens. West Kensington Park. W. NORBURY, Col. Thomas Coningsby Nor- bury, C.B., el. son of the late Thomas Norbury, Esq., of Sherridge, Great Malvern ; 6. 1829; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; entered 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabineers) 1849, and retired as Capt. 1856; served during Crimea War

  • %55> present at battle of Tchneraya, and siege

of Sebastopil (medal with clasp); is a J. P., a D.L. and a County Councillor (Leigh Div.) for Worcestershire, a J.P. for Herefordshire and Hon. Col. (formerly Lieut.-Col. Comdt.) 3rd and 4th Batns. Worcestershire Regt. : in. 1855, Hon. Gertrude O'Grady, da. of the 3rd Viscount Guillamore ; cr. C.B. 1887. Sherridge. Great Malvern. ; A rmy and Navy Club. NORMAN, Lieut.- Gen. Henry Radford, C.B,, son of the late Rev. J. H. Norman, of Turret House, Deal ; b. 1818 ; entered Army 1838, became Capt. 1848, Major 1858, Lieut.-Col. 1859, Col. 1865, Maj.-Gen. 1870 and Lieut. -Gen. (retired) 1881; served with loth Regt. in Sutlej Campaign 1845-6 (medal), and in Punjab Cam- paign 1848-9 (medal with two clasps), and in Indian Mutiny (frequently mentioned in de- spatches, medal with two clasps, and C.B.) ; has pension for distinguished services : tn. 1852, Alice Clara, da. of the late Rev. C. R. Rowlatt ; cr. 1865. The Hearne, Charlton Kings, Chel- tenham ; A rtny and Navy Club. NORRIS, Capt. Richard Joseph, D.S.O., youngest son of the late Edward Norris, Esq. ; o. 1854 ; ed. at Mount St. Mary's, Derbyshire, and at Beaumont Coll., Old Windsor ; entered jst West India Regt. 1879. and became Capt. 1888 ; served during operations on W. Coast of Africa 1892; cr. D.S.O. 1892. Junior Army and Navy Clubs. NUGENT, Lieut.- Col. Robert Arthur, C.B., son of Robert Nugent, Esq. : b. 1853 ; entered Army 1872, became Assist. -Corny. -Gen. 1882, Hon. Major 1885, Hon. Lieut.-Col. 1887, and Lieut. -Cor. Army Ser. Corps 1888 ; served in Ashantee War 1873-4 (medal), in Egyptian War in Commissariat Charge of Highland Brig. 1882 (medal with clasp, bronze star, and 4th class Medjidie), in Suakin Expedi- tion 1884, when he was in charge of all Commissariat and Transport Services (three clasps), and in Soudan Campaign 1884-5 (men- tioned in despatch and clasp) ; appointed D.A.A.G., Bermuda 1889: m. 1876, Marion Henrietta Annie, da. of Thomas Smith, Esq., of Weston-super-Mare, and widow of Frederick Hitchcock, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1884. Hamilton., Bermuda. .^.a.^'.^.C'. V.S.,

son of E. W. Nunn, Esq., of co. Wexford ;

b. 1853 ; formerly Lieut. Royal Monmouthshire Engineer Militia ; entered Army Veterinary Depart. 1877, and became ist class Veterinary Surgeon 1887 ; served during Afghan War 1878- 80 (medal), during operations in Zululand 1888, and with Chin-Lushai Expedition 1889-90 (medal with clasp, D.S.O.); has been Principal of Lahore Veterinary Coll. since 1890 ; cr. D.S.O. 1890. Lahore, Punjab ; Conservative and Junior United Sendee Clubs. NUTTALL, Maj.'Gen. James Mansfield, C.B.; b. 18 ; entered Bengal Army 1842, be- came Capt. 1857, Major 1862, Lieut. -Col. 1868, Col. 18^3, and Maj.-Gen. 1879; served in Sutlej Campaign 1845-6, and in Indian Mutiny Cam paign 1857; commanded 44th Bengal N.I. 1873-80; cr. C.B. 1872. O'BRIEN, George Thomas Michael, C.M.G. ; b. 18 ; ed. at Westminster, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. ; entered Ceylon Civil Ser. 1867 ; was Police Magistrate at Harrispattu 1869-70, Assist. Govt. Agent, Colombo 1871, second Assist. Colonial Sec. 1874-6, Principal Assist. Colonial Sec. 1876-86, Treasurer of Ceylon 1886-90, and Auditor and Accountant Gen. and Controller of the Revenue, Ceylon 1890-92, since when he has been Colonial Sec. of Hong Kong ; cr. C.M.G. 1889. Hong Kong. O'BRIEN, William Patrick, C.B., only son of the late Edward O'Brien, Esq., J.P., of The Lodge, Mitchelstown, co. Cork ; b. 1824 ; ed. at Downside Coll., Somersetshire, and at Trin. Coll., Dublin (B.A. Senior Moderator and Gold Medallist 1844) ; Bar. King's Inns, Dublin, 1848 ; was a Poor Law and Local Govt. Inspector for Ireland 1849-79, an d a Member and Vjce-Chm. of General Prisons Board, Ireland, 1879-92 ; specially commissioned to report on Local Govt. and Taxation of Ireland 1877-8 ; acted as Municipal Boundary Commr. 1878-9 ; appointed Assist. Royal Commr. of Labour 1892: tit. ist, 1845, Olivia, who a?. 1850, da. of the late Walter Paye, Esq., J.P.; 2nd, 1853, Jane, da. of the late Com. Tully, R.N.; cr. C.B. 1 892. Tudor House, Monkst(nvn t co. Dublin ; Dublin University Club. O'CALLAGHAN, Francis Langford, C.S.L, C. I.E., son of the late James O'Callaghan, Esq., J.P., of Drisheen, co. Cork ; b. 1839 ; entered Indian Public Works Depart. 1862, promoted to Executive Engineer 1866, Sup. Engineer 1880, and Ch. Engineer (ist class) 1889 ; has been En- gineer in Ch. of various State Railways in India since 1877 > sometime Consulting Engineer to Govt. of India for State Railways ; is Sec. to Govt. in Public Works Depart. , India : m. 1875, Anna Maria, da. of Lt.-Col. H. C. Powell, of Banlahan, co. Cork ; cr. C.I.E. 1883, C.S.I. 1888. Calcutta and Simla. O'CALLAGHAN, Adm. George William Douglass, C.B., son of the late G. O'Callaghan, Esq. ; b. 1811 ; entered R.N. 1825, becameCom. 1840, Capt. 1846, Rear-Adm. 1864, Vice-Adm. 1871, and Retired-Adm. 1877 ; engaged in sup- pressing Malay pirates 1834-6, in suppressing pirates in E. Indies 18 (thanked by Admiralty, and by Chambers of Commerce at Calcutta and Madras, and presented with a sword by mer- chants of Bombay) ; served in command of attacking force of Imperial Camp at Shanghai 1854; is a J.P. for Hants: m. 18 , Harriet Graves Barton, who d. 1881 ; cr. C.B. 1867. Deer leaf, Rowland's Castle, Havant, Hants ; United Service Club. O'CoNOR, James Edward, C.I.E., son of the late John O'Conor, Esq., of Tallow, co. Waterford ; b. 1843 ; is Assist.-Sec. to Gov. of India in Finance and Commerce Depart., an Hon. Fellow of Roy. Statistical So., a Member