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12 DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. ANSTRUTHER, Creation 1694, of Balcaskle, Fifeshlre. Sir RALPH WILLIAM ANSTRUTHER, 6th Baronet : b. July 5th, 1858 ; s. his father, Sir ROBERT, M.P. 1886; ed. at Eton ; formerly Capt. R.E. ; is a J.P. for co. Caithness and a J.P. and D.L. for co. Fife ; served in Egyptian cam- paign 1882 (medal with clasp, bronze star), and in Bechuana- land expedition 1885 : m. 1886, Mildred Harriet, da. of Edward Hussey, Esq. [see B. Windsor], and has issue. Argent, three piles issuing from the chief sable. Crest Two arms embowed in armour holding a poleaxe with both hands proper. Seats Balcaskie, Pittenweem, Fife ; Watten, Caithness. Clubs Brooks's, New. - Son living ROBERT EDWARD, b. April 4 th, 1890. Daughters living Margaret Christian, b. 1887. - Magdalen Janet, b. Penissem ni pernssem. 1889. / should have perished Brothers living Henry Torrens, M.P., b. 1860 ; ed. at Eton ; Advocate, had I not gonethroughit. Edinburgh, 1885 ; is Lieut. Fifeshire Light Horse Vol. ; has sat as M.P. for St. Andrew's Dist. (LU) since 1886 : m. 1889, the Hon. Eva Isabella Henrietta Hanbury-Tracy, da. of 4th Baron Sudeley. Residences, 6, Chester Street, S.W. ; Gillingshill, Pittenweem, Fife. Clubs, Brooks's, New (Edinburgh). Robert Hamilton, R.A'., b. 1862 ; became Lieut. 1885 : m. 1890, Edith Flora, da. of William Felton Peel, Esq., of Salters- ford Hall, Cheshire, and Alexandria, Egypt, and has issue living, Philip Noel, b. 1891. Arthur Wellesley, b. 1864 ; ed. at Eton ; formerly Capt. Fife Artillery, S. Div. R.A. ; is Travelling In- spector of Board of Agriculture. Clubs. Wellington, New. Sister living Mary Evelyn, b. 1859. Aunts living (daughters of 4th Baronet) Lucy Charlotte (Lady Kinloch) : tit. 1852, Sir Alexander Kinloch, loth baronet. Residence, Gilmerton, Drem, N.B. Mary: /. 1867, Charles Hugh Berners, Esq., and has issue living, John Anstruther (Club, Junior United Service), b. 1869 ; is Lieut, ist Dragoon Guards, Ralph Abercrombie (Club, Junior Army and Navy), b. 1871 ; ed. at Eton ; is Lieut, ist Batn. Roy. Welsh Fusiliers, Hamilton Hugh, b. 1881, Mary Alice : in. 1889, Charles Spencer Warwick, Esq., Lieut, ist Batn. Devonshire Regt., and has issue living, John Charles b. 1890, Julia Katharine. Residence, Woolverstone Park, Ipswich. WidOW living Of 5th Baronet LOUISA (Lady Anstruther), da. of the Rev. William Knox Marshall, B.D., R. of Holton, near Wragby, and Preb. of Hereford : m. 1857, Sir Robert Anstruther, 5th baronet, who d. 1886. Residence, 5, Cheyne Walk, S.W. Collateral Branches living. Grandchildren of the late Brig. -Gen. Robert Anstruther (infra) : Issue of the late Col. James Hamilton Lloyd-Anstruther, b. 1806, d. 1882 : in. ist, 1838, Georgiana Charlotte, who d. 1843, da. of the Hon. Lindsey Merrik Burrell ; 2ndly, 1847, the Hon. Georgiana Christiana, who d. 1881, da. of sth Viscount Barrington : Robert Hamilton, b. 1841 ; is J.P. and D.L. for Suffolk, and a County Alderman for E. Div. of feated : m. 1871, Gertrude Louisa, da. of Francis Horatio FitzRoy, Esq. [see D. Grafton, colls.], and has issue living, FitzRoy Hamilton (Club, Junior Constitutional), b. 1872, Rosalind Gertrude. Residence, Hintlesham Hall, Ipswich. Club, Carlton. Francis William, b. 1849 ; formerly Majoi and Hon. Lieut.-Col. 3rd Batn. Suffolk Regt. James, b. Jan. 1852. Residence, Ceylon. Basil (twin), b. Dec. 1852 ; is Major ist Batn. Manchester Regt. Club, Junior United Service. Cecil, b. Dec. 1852 ; is a Clerk in House of Lords. Residence, Belgrave Mansions, S.W. Clubs, Arthur's, St. James's. Priscilla Barbara Elizabeth. Issue of the late Brig.-Gen. Robert Anstruther, el. son of 3rd baronet, b. 1768, d. 1809 : in. 1799, Charlotte Lucy, who d. 18 , da. of the late Lieut.-Col. James Hamilton, grandson of 4th Duke of Hamilton : Elizabeth : m. 1837, the Rev. W. H. Deane, who d. 1854, and has issue living, Rev. William, b. 1844; is R. of Hintlesham, Ipswich, Robert Anstruther (Clubs, Scottish, Grafton), b. 1846; sometime a Clerk in Bank of England, Western Branch, Frederic Thomas, b. 1847, Charlotte Emily, Mary Louisa: m. 1877, Major Edward Stanley, formerly 2nd Batn. Prince of Wales';. (N. Staffordshire Regt.), of Rhoscrowther, Eleanora Georgina : in. 1874, Maj.-Gen. Charles Parker Catty, of The Rest, Elm Grove, Southsea. Residence, Hintlesham Rectory, Ipswich. Grandchildren of the late Thomas Andrew Anstruther, Esq. (infra) : Issue of the late Lieut.-Col. Philip Robert Anstruther, b. 184% d. 1880: m. 1875 Zaida Mary, da. of Sir Thomas Erskine, 2nd baronet : 'Philip George, b. 1875. Robert Abercrombie, b. 1879. Mary Rosamond. Grandchildren of the late Sir Alexander Anstruther (infra) : Issue of the late Thomas Andrew Anstruther, Esq., E.I.C.S., b. 1810, d. 1876: m. 1840, Sophia, da. of Arthur Vansittart, Esq., of Shottesbrook, Berks : Alexander William, b. 1847 ; is Major R.A. Clubs, Junior United Service, Garrick. William Thomas, b. 1857. Club, Constitutional. Issue of the late Sir Alexander Anstruther, Knt., Recorder of Bombay, 2nd son of 3rd baronet, b. 1769, d. 1819: in. 1803, Sarah, who d. 1865, widow of Capt. W. Selby, H.E.I.C.S., and da. of Thomas Prendergast, Esq., of Croan : Elizabeth Colville : in. 1839, William Graham, Esq., who d. 1883, and has issue living, Thomas Philip, b. 1841 ; is Col. (h.p.) ; formerly Lieut.-Col. and Col. 2nd Batn. Scots Guards : m. 1873, Jemima Barbara, who d. 1878, da. of the late Robert Clerk-Rattray, Esq., of Craighall, co. Perth, Janet Caroline. Residence, Airth Castle, Falkirk, N.B.