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COMPANIONAGE. 829 with clasp): in. 1877, Mary, who d. 1882, da. of H. Mann, Esq., of Hedenham Hall, Norfolk ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. J unior Army and Navy Club. RAWSON, Rear-Adm. Harry Holdsworth, C.B., son of Christopher Rawson, Esq. ; b. 1843 ; ed. at Marlborough Coll.; entered R. N. 1857, became Lieut. 1863, Com. 1871, Capt. 1877, and Rear-Adm. 1892 ; served in China War 1858-61 (medal with three clasps, wounded, and several times mentioned in despatches) ; commanded for three months 1,300 Chinese troops for defence of Ningpo against the rebels ; in 1861 thanked on quarter-deck for jumping overboard at night and saving the life of a marine in Shanghae river ; reported on the capabilities of defence of the Suez Canal 1878 (thanked by Lords of the Ad- miralty) ; hoisted in 1878 the British Flag al Nicosia, Cyprus, and was for one month Mil. Comdt. of that place ; was principal Transport Officer in Egypt 1882 (medal, star, and 3rd class Osmanieh) ; has silver medal of Roy. Humane So. for saving life in 1870, and 2nd class Civic Cross of Belgium ; was Capt. of Steam Reserve 1885-92, and an A.D.C. to H.M. 1890-92 : m. 1871, Florence, da. of the late J. R. Shaw, Esq., of Arrowe Park, Cheshire ; cr. C.B. 1882. United Service Club. REA, Edward Hugh, C.M.G., son of the late William Rea, Esq., of Kensington, W. ; fi. 1822 ; entered Gen. Post Office 1838, and became Assist. Sec. 1882; retired 1891; cr. C.M.G. 1890. 19, Victoria Road, Kensington, IV. ; Junior A thenteum Club. READ, William Henry Macleod, C.M.G., son of the late C. R. Read, Esq., Merchant, of Singapore ; b, 1819 ; was Hon. Police Magis- trate and J.P. 1862-85, in Vol. as private or officer 1854-79, Consul for Norway and Sweden 1851-72, Consul and Consul Gen. for the Nether- lands 1856-85 (Com. of Netherlands Lion), a Member of Municipality for 15 ye%rs, and of Legislative Council of Straits Settlements 1867- 85 ; has Siamese Order of the Chuba-Surat Bhorn ; cr. C.M.G. 1886. 9, Petersham Ter- race, S. W. ; St. Stephen's Club. READE, Stirg.-Gen. Herbert Taylor, C.B., V.C., son of the late Staff-Surg. George Hume Reade, formerly Col. Comdg. 3rd Regt. Cana- dian Militia ; b. 1828 ; entered Army Med. Depart. 1850, became Surg. 1857, Surg.-Maj. 1871, Brig. -Surg. 1879, Dep. -Surg. -Gen. 1880, and Surg.-Gen. 1886 (retired 1887) ; served during Indian Mutiny 1857-8, present at attack on Ferozepore, at siege, assault, and capture of Delhi and assault of the Magazine (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, V.C.) ; ap- pointed principal Med. Officer E. Dist. 1882, and of S. Dist. 1886 : in. ist, 1863, Anne Mary, who d. 1881, da. of Thomas Du Hamel, Esq., of Jersey ; 2nd, 1885, Cornelia Gertrude Scuda- more, da. of Edmund Roberts, Esq., J.P., of Burstead Lodge, Billericay, and of Burghsted, Lexden, Essex ; cr. C.B. 1887. Sunnyland, Park Gardens, Bath. READE, Surg.-Maj. -Gen. John By Cole, C.B., son of the late George Hume Reade, Esq., Staff Surgeon (formerly Col. Colndg. 3rd Regt. Canadian Militia) ; b. 1832 ; ed. at Edinburgh Univ.; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1854; entered Army Med. Depart. 1854, became Dep. Surg.-Gen. 1881, and Surg.-Gen. (now Surg.-Maj. -Gen.) 1888 ; served throughout Crimean Campaign 1 854-5 (wounded, medal with three clasps, Turk- ish medal), in Indian Mutiny 1857-8 (medal with clasp), and in Afghan War 1878-80 (men- tioned in despatches, medal) ; is professional Assist, to Director-Gen, of Army Med. Depart.: m. 1861, Harriette Fanny, da. of the late Major J. D. D. Bean; cr. C.B. 1886. Junior Army and Navy and Junior Conservative Clubs. REDGRAVE, Alexander, C.B., son of the late William Redgrave, Esq., of Pimlico ; b. 1818 ; entered Criminal Registry Depart. Home Office 1834 ; appointed Clerk to office of Factory- Inspectors 1844 ; acted as Clerk of Arraigns on Oxford Circuit 1846-7 ; became a Sub.-Inspector of Factories 1848, and Inspector 1852, and Ch. Inspector 1878 ; retired 1891 ; associated with Col. Sir William Reid, K.C.B., Chm. of Execu- tive Committee of Exhibition of 1851 to arrange visits of the working classes to the Exhibition : m. 1845, Mary Ann, who d. 1883, da. ofGeorge Hodgkinson, Esq., of York Terrace, Regent's Park ; cr. C.B. 1877. 23, Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, }V. REDMOND, Licut.-Gen. John Patrick Sut- ton, C.B., son of the late P. W. Redmond, Esq., D. L. for co. Wexford ; /'. 1824 ; entered Army 1842, became Capt. 1848, Major 1855, Lieut. - Col. 1861, Col. 1866, Maj.-Gen. 1877, and retired Lieut. -Gen. 1881 ; served (t) with 6ist Regt. throughout Punjab Campaign 1848-9 (medal with two clasps), (if) in Expedition into Eusufzai country, (;'//) with force under Sir Colin Campbell at forcing the Kohat Pass 1850 (medal with clasp), and (/?') throughout Indian Mutiny 1857-8 (severely wounded and medal with clasp): m. 1864, Elizabeth Roberta, da. of the late Edwin Leaf, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1869. A rmy and Navy, and Kildare Street Clubs. REED, Col. Charles John, C.B., el. son of the late S. Reed. E*q., of Cragg, Northum- berland ; b. 1820 ; is a J.P. for cos. Northum- berland and Durham, and Hon. Col. North- umberland Artillery, W. Div. R.A. : in. 1845, Margaret, da. of G. H. Ramsay, Esq., of Der- wentvilla, co. Durham ; cr. C.B. 1887. Spring- well Hall, Durham. REES, John David, C.I.E., son of the late Lodowick Rees; b. 1854; ed. at Cheltenham Coll. : entered M.C.S. 1875 ; formerly Under Sec. to Madras Govt., and Translator in Tamil Telugu, Persian and Hindustani ; has been Private Sec. to successive Govs. of Madras (Right Hon. Sir M. E. Grant-Duff, G.C.S.I., C.I. E., Lord Connemara, G.C.I. E., and Lord Wenlock, G.C. I.E.) since 1886 : in. 1891, Mary, third da. of Lieut. -Gen. the Hon. Sir James Charlemagne Dormer, K.C.B. [see B. Dormer] ; cr. C.I.E. 1890. Ootacamund, S. India ; East India, United Service, Prince's, Bachelors', Wellington and Hurlingham Clubs. REEVE, Henry, C.B., D.C.L., son of the late Dr. Reeve ; b. 1813; Bar. Middle Temple, 1838 ; was Registrar of Privy Council 1837-87; has been editor of " Edinburgh Review " since 1855; is a foreign member of Institute of France, a Com. of Portuguese Mil. Order of Christ, and a I. P. for Hants.: m. ist, 1841, ada.,who</. 1842, of J.Richardson, Esq., of Kirklands, Roxburgh; 2nd, 1851, Christiana Georgina, da. of the late G. Tilly Gollop, Esq., of Strode House, Dorset ; cr. C.B. 1871. 62, Rutland Gate, S.W.;: Foxholes, ChristchurcJi, Hants. REEVES, Col. Henry Spencer Edward, C.B., son of the Rev. Frederick John Hawkes- Reeves, of East Sheen, Surrey ; b. 1843 ; entered Commissariat Depart, of Army 1861, appointed Assist. Comy.-Gen. 1878, became Hon. Lieut.- Col. 1885, Dep.-Comy.-Gen.andHon.Col. 1886, and Col. Army Ser. Corps 1888 ; served in Zulu War 1879, an d m operations against Sekukuni (mentioned in despatches, and medal with clasp) , in Transvaal Campaign, and in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (medal, 3rd class Medjidie, bronze star, and mentioned in despatches) ; was A. A.G. for Army Ser. Corps, 1888-90, since when he has been A.Q.M.G. at Head Quarters : in. 1868, Amy, whom he divorced 1884, da. of E. B. Meyer, Esq., of the Firs, East Sheen,