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COMPANIONAOE. 833 bronze star), and with Sikkim Expedition 1888 ; was D.A.A.G. Bengal 1884-6: m. 1892, Janie Isabella, da. of Maj.-Gen. J. S. Rawlins, for- merly B.S.C.; cr. D.S.O. 1889. ROGERS, Surg.- Lietit. -Col. John Godfrey, D.S.O. ; 6. 1850; ed. at Trin Coll., Dublin (B.A. i87o,M.B. an.lM.Ch. 1871); entered Army Med. Depart. 1871, became Surg. 1873, Surg.-Maj. 1882, and Surg. -Lieut. -Col. 1891 ; retired 1892 ; served during Afghan War 1878-81 (medal), in Egyptian Expedition 1882 (mentioned in de- spatches, medal with clasp, bronze star, pro- moted Surg.-Major), in Nile Expedition 1884-5 (mentioned in despatches, clasp, 3rd class . Osmanieh), with Soudan Frontier Field Force 1885-6 (mentioned in despatches, D.S.O.), and with Suakim Field Force, 1888-9 (mentioned in despatches, 2nd class Medjidie) ; was Principal Med. Officer of Egyptian Army 1883-92, which post he temporarily held during cholera epide- mic 1883 ; is Director-Gen, of Sanitary Depart, of Ministry of Interior, Egypt : /. 1883, Edith Louisa Julie, da. of the late Major W. H. F. Sykes, Bom. Cav. ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. Cairo, Egypt ; Junior A rmy and Navy Club. ROGERS, Maj.-Gen. Robert Gordon, C.B.; b. 1832 ; entered Bengal Army 1848, became Capt. 1861, Major 1868, Lieut.-Col. 1874, Col. 1879, and Maj.-Gen. 1890; served throughout Umbeyla Campaign 1863 (mentioned in de- spatches and medal with clasp), in Lundkhor Valley 1866, in Hazara Campaign 1868 (clasp), in command of 2oth Punjaub Infantry in Jowaki Expedition 1877-8 (clasp), in Afghan War 1878-80 (medal with clasp), and in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (medal with clasp, bronze star, 3rd class Medjidie A.D.C. to H.M.) ; cr. C.B. 1870. ROGERS, Maj.-Gen. Robert Montresor, C.B., V.C., son of the late James Rogers, Esq., Q.C. ; b. 1834; ed. at St. Columbas Coll., Ireland ; entered Army 1855, became Capt. 1860, Maj. 1873, Lieut.-Cpl. 1879, Col. 1879, and Hon. Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1889 ; served with 44th Regt. in Crimean Campaign 1855 (medal with clasp and Turkish medal), in China War 1860 (severely wounded, men- tioned in despatches, Capt. unattached, medal with clasp and V.C.), and in command of 90th L.I. (as Major) throughout Zulu Cam- paign 1879 (twice mentioned in despatches, brevet of Lieut.-Col. and Col., and medal with clasp) ; commanded Regimental Dist. 1885 (h.p. 1884); commanded 2nd class Dist., Bengal 1 885-9 1 cr. C. B. 1 886. A rmy and Navy Club. ROLFE, Capt. Ernest Neville, C.B., son of the late Charles F. Neville Rolfe, Esq., of Heacham Hall, Norfolk; b. 1847; entered R.N. 1861, became Lieut. 1871, Com. 1879, and Capt. 1884 ; served as Naval A.D.C. to Maj.- Gen. Sir Garnet Wolseleyin Ashanti Campaign 1873 (medal with clasp); commanded scouts in Sir William Hewitt's expedition against pirates of the Congo 1874; engaged in boat operations against hostile tribes of the Niger Delta 1875 ; took part with Naval Brig, in Egyptian Cam- paign 1882 (medal and bronze star) ; commanded Naval Brig, in Gen. Sir Gerald Graham's expe- dition in 1884 against rebels of the Soudan at battles of El Teb and Tamai (C.B. and three clasps) ; accompanied Vice-Adm. Sir William Hewitt on his mission to Abyssinia 1884 : in. 1885, Janet, da. of the late James Brand, Esq., of Bedford Hill House, Balham, Surrey ; cr. C.B. 1884. 167, Victoria Street, S.W.; United Service Club. ROLLAND, Vice-Adm. William Rae, C.B., son of the late Adam Rolland, Esq., of Gask ; b. 1820; entered R.N; 1832, became Com. 1854. Capt. 1857, Retired Rear-Adm. 1875, and Vice- Adm. 1879; served at destruction of a nest of pirates in Arvas, Straits of Malacca 1832, in China War 1841 (medal), in Crimean Campaign 1854-5 (medal with clasp, Turkish medal, Legion of Honour, and sth Class Medjidie), and in China War 1856-7 (clasp); thanked by American Gov. for assisting in 1846 to save shipwrecked crew (also gold medal), and thanked in 1863 by Austrian Govt. for getting the Austrian-Lloyd's steamer " Europa" off a reef of rocks : m. 18 , Adeliza, da. of Capt. George Mowbray, R.N. ; cr. C.B. 1871. ROLLESTON, Major Loftus John, C.M.G., son of the late James Ffranck Rolleston, Esq., D.L. and J.P. of Ffranckfort Castle Roscrea, Ireland; b. 1839; was Lieut. Roy. Sherwood Foresters 1857-60, and Inspector of Vol. Corps for Colony of Natal 1862-8 ; raised Vol. Corps of Da Toitsfrau Hussars, Griqualand W., and commanded it as Capt. 1876-8; commanded A troop of Diamond Fields Horse, and served with distinction during Campaign on Kafferrian fron- tier 1878 ; also commanded in 1878 a column at successful attack on Withuis. and the centre attack at battle of Paarde Kloof (promoted to Major Diamond Fields Horse) ; commanded Diamond Fields Horse in numerous successful engagements and at battle of Gobastach Heights (Oct. i4th, 1878) completely routed and dispersed the enemy ; was subsequently and until end of war A.A.G. to Field Force, Griqualand W. ; thanked by Goy.-in-Ch., by Lieut. -Gen. Comdg., and by Inhabitants of the Province : in. 1879, Isabella Louise, el. da. of Samuel Stonestreet, Esq., of Kimberley, Griqualand W. ; cr. C.M.G. 1880. Kimberley, Griqualand West. ROLLO, Gen. the Hon. Robert, C.B. [see B. Rollo]. ROMAINE, William Govett, C.B., son of the late Rev. R. Govett ; b. 1816 ; ed. at Trin.. Coll., Camb. (M.A. 183-); Bar. Inner Temple 1839 ; was Judge Advocate during Crimean War 1854-6, Permanent Sec. to Admiralty 1857-69^, Judge Advocate-Gen, of India 1869-73, and Pres. of Superior Council and Controller-Gen, of Finances in Egypt 1876-9 ; unsuccesstully con- tested Chatham (/.) 1857 : in. 1861, Frances Phebe,da. of Henry Tennant, Esq., of Cadoxton Lodge, Glamorgan ; cr. C.B. 1857. The Priory, Old Windsor; Travellers' and United Uni- versity Clubs. ROMILLY, Major Frederick William, D.S.O., son of the late Lieut.-Col. Frederick Romilly, brother of ist Baron Romilly [E. Minto] ; b. 1854 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich ; entered Scots Guards 1873, passed Staff Coll. 1880, became Capt. 1887, and Major 1888 ; thanked by Lord-Lieut, and Ch. Sec. for Ireland for services in Clare and Limerick 1881 ; served in Egyptian Expedition 1882, being present at action at Mahuta and battle of Tel-el-Kebir (medal with clasp, and bronze star), in Suakin Expedition 1884 as A.D.C. to Gen. Comdg., being present at battles of Teb and Tamai (mentioned in de- spatches, and two clasps), in Nile Expedition 1884-5, with Guards Camel Regt., present at battles of Abu Klea and Goubat, action near Metenmeh (two clasps), and in Soudan Frontier 1885-6, as A.D.C. to Gen. Comdg., present as. action at Giniss (mentioned in despatches, 4th class Medj idie and D. S. O. ) ; has beenD.A.A.G., Malta, since 1890: in. 1891, Gwendoline Powys, da. of the Jate Arthur Pratt Barlow, Esq., and widow of Charles Russell Hole, Esq. ; cr. D.S.O. 1886. The Palace, Malta ; Guards' Club. ROOME, Lieut. -Gen. Frederick, C.B. ; b*. 1829 ; entered Bombay Army 1856, became Capt. and Major 1859, Lieut.-Col. Bom. S. C. (now I.S.C.) 1868, Col. 1875, Maj.-Gen. 1886, and Lieut. -Gen. 1889; served during Crimean War 53