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COMPANIONAGE. with 3 clasps, bronze star), with Waziri Expe- dition 1881, and with Upper Burmah Field Force 1886-7, as D.A.A. and Q.M.G. Head Quarters (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp); vrasD.A.A.G., Bengal, 1886-91 : n:. 1882, Alice M., da. of Gen. A..H. Bamfield, I.S.C. ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. Naval and Military Chtb. SHONE, Lieu'. -Col. William Terence, D.S.O. , son of John Allen Shone, Esq., Bar.-at- Law, of 30, Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, W. ; 6. 1850 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich ; entered R.E. 1871, became Capt. 1883. Major i 1889, and Lieut. -Col. 1891 ; served in Afghan War 1878-80 (medal), with Mahsood Wuzeree Expedition 1881 (mentioned in despatches), in Burmah Campaign 1885-7 (mentioned in de- spatches, medal with two clasps and with Miranzai Expedition 1891 (mentioned in de- spatches, Brevet Lieut.-Col.) ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. Junior United Service and Constitutional Clubs. SINCLAIR, Capt. Alfred Law, D.S.O., >: son of William Sinclair, Esq., J.P., D.L., of Holy Hill, co. Tyrone, and Drumbeg, co. Donegal; 6. 1853; entered Army 1874, trans- ferred to Bom. S.C. 1877, and became Capt. -1885 ; served during Afghan War 1880-1, with Egyptian Army 1883-4, and with Burmah Expedition 1886-9 (mentioned in despatches, medal) ; was Lieut. Donegal Militia 1872-4, and A.D.C. to Viceroy of Ireland (D. Abercorn) 1874 ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. SINGLETON, Ca/AUvedaleCorbett, C.B.; > b. 18 ; entered R.N. 1849, became Com. 1869, and Capt. 1878 ; retired 1891 ; served in the Baltic 1854-5 (medal) ; saved life and property during inundation of Galatz by floods, (thanked by Admiralty); commanded "Triton" 1864-7 during revolution at Monte Video (thanked by Monte Videan, Swedish and French Govts.) ; conducted China Survey 1874-9 (frequently thanked by Hydrographer), and revised Ch na Sea Directory 1882-4 ; cr. C.B. 1892. United Set vice Club. SIRDAR GUNDA SINGH, C.S.L, de- scended from Ancestors who have always held offices of importance and credit ; b. 1841 ; appointed personal attendant to H.H. Maha- rajah Nirundar Singh 1855, and between that year and 1870 held numerous trusty positions, including the custody of the casket containing private and confidential State papers ; appointed " Deodhi Moalla " [an office analogous to a Sec. through whom all State Affairs are com- municated to the Chief and orders obtained concerning them] to H.H. Maharajah Mohinder Singh Bahadar, G.C.S.I. 1870, and in 1873 became Com.-in-Ch. of the State Forces of the Maharajah ; in 1878-9, with the consent of the British Govt. he served in the Afghan War in command of the Pattialli Contingent, and dis- tinguished himself (sword of honour presented by Viceroy and C.S.I.); cr. C.S.I. 1880. Pattialli, India. SKELTON, John, C.B., son of the late James Skelton, Esq.,W.S.,of Sandford-Newton; ^.1831; Advocate 1854, Hon. LL.D. Edin. 1878 ; was Sec. to Poor Law Board and Board of Public Health, Scotland, 1868-92, since when he has been Chm. of the Board ; is a Commr. of Supply for Aberdeenshire ; author of "The Boarding Out of Pauper Children," and other works, and a contributor to historical and general literature : /. 1867, Anne Adair, da. of James A. Lawrie, Esq., Professor of Surgery in Glas- gow Univ. ; cr. C.B. 1887. The Hermitage of Braid, Edinburgh; New Athenceuitt, Prim- rose University (Edinburgh) Clubs. SKINNER, Allan Maclean, C.M.G., son of the late Judge Allan Maclean Skinner, Q.C., Recorder of Windsor; b. 1846; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1867 ; entered Civil Ser. of Straits Settle- ments i863 ; was Inspector of Schools, Singa- pore, 1872-9, Assist. Colonial Sec. and Clerk of Councils, Straits Settlements, 1879-81, Auditor- Gen 1881-2, Treasurer and Commr. of Stamps 1882-7, and Acting Colonial Sec. 1884-5 and 1887-9 '. nas been Resident Councillor, Penang, since 1887, and (Honorary) Consul for Siamese Malay States since 1888 : m. 1875, Ellen, da. of the Rev. W. H. Shelford ; cr. C.M.G. 1891. Penang, Straits Stttletnents. SKINNER, Lieut. -Col. Edmund Grey, C.B., son of the late Rus5ell Morland Skinner, Esq., B.C.S. ; b. 1850; ed. at Wimbledon Sch., and at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst ; entered Ordnance Store Depart. 1867, became Assist. Corny. -Gen. and Hon. Major 1882, and Hon. Lieut.-Col. 1885 ; served with Perak Expedi- tion 1875-6 (medal with clasp), with Egyptian Expedition 1882 (mentioned in despatches, medal, bronze star, 4th cla?s Medjid.e), and with Soudan Expedition 1885 (mentioned in despatches, clasp, Hon. Lt.-Col.) : /-/. 1878, Alice Augusta, da. of F. Gilbert Smith, Esq., of The Oak=, Surrey; cr. C.l). 1891. SKINNER, Col. George John, D.S. 0. ; b. 1841 ; entered xooth Regt. 1859, 33th Regt. 1860, and B.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1865, became Capt. 1871, Major 1879, Lieut.-Col. 1885, and Col. 1889 ; served during Afghan War 1880-89, with 3rd Bengal Inf. (mentioned in despatches, medal), and with Chin-Lushai Expedition 1889- 90 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp) ; cr. D.S.O. 1890. East India United Service Clnb. SKINNKR, Col. James Tierney, D.S.O., son of the late Russell Moreland Skinner, Esq., B.C.S. ; b. 1845 ; entered i8th Roy. Irish Regt. 1864, and joined Commissariat Depart, of Army, became Dep. Assist. Comy.-Gen. Dec. 1866, 'Assist. Comy.-Gen. April 1880, Hon. Lieut.-Col. 1885, and Col. Army Ser. Corps 1888 ; served in Soudan Expedition 1884-5 (medal with clasp, mentioned in despatches) and in Nile Expedition 1885-6 (mentioned in despatches); was A.A.G. at Aldershot 1889-92, when he was transferred to Wool- wich : m. 1872, Jessie Rose Ellen, da. of George Walpole Leake, Esq., Q.C., of Perth, W. Australia ; cr. D.S.O. 1886. Pitfield Cottage, Elihani, S.E. SLADE, Lieut.-Col. John Ramsay, C.B. [see Sbde, Bart., colls. 1. SMILES, William) C.B. ; b. 1824 ; entered Civil Ser. 1849; was Ch. Inspector of Stamps and Taxes 1880-90, since when he has been Special Commr. of Income Tax : in. 1848, Jane Cole, da. of the late William Clark, Esq., of Devonport ; cr. C.B. 1890. y),Elshat Road, Kensington, V. ; Constitutional Club. SMITH, S;;?:-G*. Alexander,^/./*, C. A, ! son of J. Smith, Esq., of Culbeuchly, near Banff; b. 1824; M.D. Edinburgh 1846; en- tered Med. Depart, of Army 1846, became Surg. 1855, Surg.-Maj. 1866, Dep. Surg.-Gen. 1876, Surg.-Gen. (local rank) and principal medical officer in Afghanistan 1880, and Surg.- Gen. 1881 ; retired 1884 ; served in Crimean Campaign 1855-6 (medal with clasp, Turkish medal), and in Afghan Campaigns 1878-9 and 1879-80 (mentioned in despatches, medal with Ahmed Khel clasp) ; cr. C.B 1880. Great

Ambrook, near Totnes, S. Devon. 

SMITH, Maj.-Gen, Charles Hodgkinson, C.B., son of Capt. J. Weatherall Smith ; b. 1826 ; entered R.A. 1845, became Capt. 1854, Major 1856, Lieut.-Col. 1859, Col. 1867, and Maj.-Gen. 1877; served in Crimean Cam- paign 1855 (medal with clasp, and Turkish medal), and in Indian Mutiny Campaign