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COMPANION AGE. 861 1885 ; joined Survey Depart, of India 1871 ; served with Lushai Expedition 1871-2 (medal with clasp), with Garo Hills Expedition 1872-3, with Naga Hills Punitive Expedition 1875, in Afghan War 1878-80 (three times mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps), with Akha Expedition 1883-4 (mentioned in despatches), and with Mission to Gilgit and Chitral 1885-6 ; conducted an Exploring Party from Assam to Upper Burmah 1886-7 (two clasps) ; has been D.Q.M.G. for Intelligence in India since 1889 ; cr. C.B. 1887. Junior United Service Club. WOODWARD, Capt. Robert, C.B., son of the late Rev. Thomas Woodward, of Hopton Wafre, Salop; 6. 1838; entered R.N. 1850, became Lieut. 1859, Com. 1870, and Capt. 1879 > served in China War 1857-9 (medal with two clasps), in Suakin Campaign 1884 (Egyptian medal), and in command of Naval Brig, in Bur- mah Expedition 1885-6 (mentioned in des- patches) : j/i. 1870, Mary Kate, da. of William L. Boxer, Esq., of Jamaica; cr. C.B. 1886. Hopton Court, Cleobury Alortiiiter, Salop. WOOLFRYES, Surg.-Gen, John Andrews, M.D., C.B., C.M.G., son of the late John Woolfryes, Esq., of Salisbury ; 6. 1823 ; L.A.C. 1845, M.R.C.S. Eng. 1846, M.D. St. Andrews 1859 i entered Med. Depart, of Army 1847, became Surg. 1855, Surg. -Major 1867, Dep. Surg.-Gen. 1874, and Surg.-Gen. 1880 ; retired 1883 ; served in Ashanti War 1873-4 being part of the time Principal Med. Officer (men- tioned in despatches, and medal with clasp), and as Principal Med. Officer at Cape of Good Hope throughout Galeka and Gaika rebellions 1877-8 (mentioned in despatches), and at Natal throughout Zulu War and Secoeoeni Campaign 1 879 (medal with clasp, mentioned in despatches): in. 1886, Ada Sophia, da. of Alexander Palmer McEwen, Esq., of Woodend, Southsea ; cr. C.B. 1879, C.M.G. 1880. Barton Grove, Kint- bury, Hungerford ; Army and Navy Club. WORDSWORTH, William, C.I.E., son of I the late Rev. J. Wordsworth, R. of Plumbland, Cumberland ; b. 1835 ; ed. at Sedbergh Gram. Sch., and at Balliol. Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1859) ; entered Bombay Education Ser. 1861 ; was Sheriff of Bombay 1886 ; formerly Principal of Elphinstone Coll., Bombay, and Vice-Chancellor of the Univ. of Bombay : MI. 1862, Mary Emma, da. of the late Morris Reynolds, Esq., of Ambleside ; cr. C.I.E. 1887. YORSLEY, Co!. Henry Robert Brown, C.B., son of the late Major Henry Nelson Wors- ley, 74th Regt. ; b. 1833; entered Bengal Army 1852, became Capt. 1864, Major 1872, Lieut.- Col. 1878, and Col. 1882 ; served in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857 (medal), and in China 1858-9 (medal), against the Looshaies 1869 (thanked by Bengal Govt.), and with Indian- Contingent in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (medal with clasp, 3rd class Medjidie) ; formerly Comdc. 7th Bengal N.I. ; sometime Col. Comdg. Cawn- pore Brig.: w.iSsg, Alicia Emily, da. of Henry Mant, Esq., of Shrub Hill House, Box, Wilts ; cr. C.B. 1882. WORTLEY, Major Edward James MON- TAGU-STUART-, C.M.G. [see E. WharnclifFe]. WRAY,Z?V/.-GV. Henry, C.M.G., son of the late Charles Wray, Esq., Ch. Justice of British Guiana; /'. 1826; entered R.E. 1843, became Capt. 1854, Major 1864, Lieut. -Col. 1867, Col. 1872, Maj.-Gcn. 1882, and Lieut. -Gen. (retired'* 1887 ; a J.P. in the Colony from 1852 ; was Acting Comptroller of Convicts 1856-8, employed in W. Australia in connection with establishment of Convict System 1851-8, with Boundary Commr. in Central America (British Honduras Guatemala) 1859-61, andemployed on special service in Japan 1864; reconnoitred position of Prince of Najato in Simonoseki Straits, and afterwards accompanied Expedi- tion as Comdg. R.E., which resulted in perma- nent opening of Straits to commerce (Brev. of Major, mentioned in despatches), Instructor in Constructional Sch. of Mil. Engineering 1866- 74, Co!, on Staff Comdg. R.E. at Malta 1874-9 (first section of drainage of cities carried out under his supervision), and in Ireland 1879-82, and Lieut. -Gov. of Jersey 1883-7; * s a J.P. for Co. and Borough of Dublin: tit. 1848, Mary, ja. of T. Drinkwater, Esq., of Gib- raltar; cr. C.M.G. 1879. IOI > Coineragli Road, West Kensington, }V. ; United Serz'ice Club. WRENCH, William Henry, C. M. G. , son of the late Rev. Dr. Wrench, V. of Salehurst, Sussex ; b. 1836; was employed in Consulate at Damascus 1857-60, Acting Consul at Damascus 1860-1 and 1864. Sec. to Commr. for Affairs of Syria 1861-2, Vice-Consul at Beyrout 1862-5, Acting Consul-Gen, in Syria 1863, and Vice- Consul for Dardanelles 1866-72 and Lloyd's Agent there 1869-72 : appointed ist Vice-Con- sul at Constantinople 1872, and Consul there 1879 > nas frequently acted as Consul-Gen, at Constantinople ; named in 1883 British Delegate for negotiation of a Commercial Tariff, and for new Commercial Treaty in 1886 between Great Britain ind Turkey; cr. C.M.G. 1885. Con- stantinople ; Salisbury Club. WRIGHT, Sitrg.-Maj. Frederick William, D.S.O., son of the late Robert John Wright, Esq., of Norwich ; b. 1850 ; ed. at Edin. Univ. (M.B. and C.M. 1872) ; entered Bengal Med. Serv. 1873, and became Surg.-Maj. 1885 ; served during Afghan War 1878-9-80 (medal with clasp, bronze star), and with Upper Bur- mah Field Force 1886-8 (mentioned in de- spatches, medal); cr. D.S.O. 1887. East India United Service Club. WRIGHT, Gen. Thomas, C.B., son of the late Charles Wright, Esq., one of H.M.'s Hon. Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms ; b. 1825 ; entered Bengal Army 1842, became Capt. 1856, Major 1862, Lieut.-Col. 1864, Col. 1869, Maj.-Gen. 1881, Lieut. -Gen. 1887, and Gen. 1889 ; served throughout Punjab Campaign 1848-9 (medal with two clasps), as A.A.G. and Ch. Staff Officer with Eusofzie Expedition 1858 (men- tioned in despatches, medal with clasp), in command of and Sikh Cav. in Indian Mutiny- Campaign 1858 (mentioned in despatches, medal), throughcut L T mbeyla Campaign 186^ (mentioned in despatches, clasp), in opera- tions in Bhootan 1865-6 (clasp), and in command of Presidency Dist., Bengal 1884-6; cr. C.B. 1871. WRIGHT, Col. William Frederick, C.ff., son of Bache Wright, Esq., formerly of Ordnance Dept., Ireland; /'. 1832; entered Ordnance Store Dept. i85O,became Dep.-Comy.- Gen. 1879, Hon. Col. 1885, and Hon. Comy.- Gen. of Ordnance (retired) 1886; served in China Expedition 1857 (medal), and in Zulu War 1879 (medal with clasp) ; was Senior Officer in charge of Ordnance Stores at Cape of Good Hope, with local rank of Comy.-Gen. 1878-80; tit. 1869, Anna Leech, da. of Robert Leech, Esq., M.D. ; cr. C.B. 1880. Pencester Road, Dover. WYLDE, Everard William, C.M.G.; l>. 18 ; entered Foreign Office 1868, and became an Assist. -Clerk 1889 ; was a British Delegate to S'ave Trade Conference at Brussels (Acting Sec. of Legation) 1889 ; cr. C.M.G. 1891. WYLDE, William Henry, C.M.G., son of the late Gen. Wylde ; b. 1819; was Private Sec. to his father at Head-quarters of Spanish Army 1835, and present at most operations of that army on N. Coast and interior of Spain ; entered