Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/944

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866 . ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. of India), thirty Knights Grand Commanders, seventy-two Knights Commanders, and 144 Companions, exclusive of extra and honorary members. The Insignia are (i) the COLLAR of gold, composed of the lotus of India, of palm branches tied together in saltire, of the united red and white rose, and in the centre an imperial crown ; all enamelled in their proper colours, (it) The STAR is com- posed of rays of gold issuing from a centre, having thereon a star in diamonds resting upon a light blue enamelled circular riband, tied at the ends and inscribed with the motto of the order, Heaven's Light our Guide, also in diamonds. (Hi) The BADGE, an onyx cameo of Her Majesty's effigy, set in a perforated and ornamented oval, containing the motto of the Order surmounted by a star, all in diamonds, (tv) The MANTLE of light blue satin lined with white, and fastened with a cordon of while silk with blue silver tassels. On the left side a representation of the star of the order. The Ribbon of the Order is sky-blue, having a narrow white stripe towards either edge, and is worn from the right shoulder to the left side. A Knight Commander wears (a) around his neck a ribbon, two inches in width, of the same colours and pattern as a Knight Grand Commander, and pendant therefrom a badge of a smaller size, (l>) on his left breast a star composed of rays of silver issuing from a gold centre, having thereon a silver star resting upon a blue enamelled circular ribbon, tied at the ends, inscribed with the motto of the Order. A Companion wears from his left breast a badge of the same form as appointed for a Knight Commander, but of a smaller size pendant to a like ribbon of the breadth of one and a half inches. Secretary Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, K.C.I.E., C.S.I. Registrar Sir Albert William Woods, K.C.M.G., C.B. THE MOST DISTINGUISHED ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. The Order of St. Michael and St. George was instituted in 1818, and enlarged and extended in 1868, 1877, and 1887. It consists of not more than sixty-five Knights Grand Cross (of whom the Grand Master is the first and principal), exclusive of Honorary Members, two hundred Knights Commanders, and three hundred and forty-two Companions. The Knights Grand Cross are entitled to bear supporters, and to encircle their arms with the collar, ribbon, and motto of the Order. The Knights Commanders encircle their arms with the ribbon and motto, and Companions suspend the badge of the Order to their arms. The Insignia are : (i) The STAR of the Knight Grand Cross, comprised of seven rays of silver, having a small ray of gold between each of them, and over all the Cross of St. George gules ; in the centre is a representation of the Archangel St. Michael encountering Satan, within a blue circle, inscribed with the motto, Aiispicium melioris avi. (it) The COLLAR, of gold, formed alternately of lions of England, of Maltese crosses of white enamel, and of the ciphers S. M. and S. G., having in the centre the Imperial Crown over two winged lions, passant guardant, each holding a book and seven arrows. At the opposite end of the collar are two similar lions, (in) The BADGE is a gold cross of fourteen points of white enamel, edged with gold, having in the centre on one side the Archangel St. Michael encountering Satan, and on the other St. George on horseback encountering a dragon, within a blue circle, on which is inscribed the motto of the Order, (iv) The CROSS, surmounted by the Imperial Crown, is worn by the Knights Grand Cross to the collar, or to a wide Saxon-blue ribbon with a scarlet stripe from the right shoulder to the left side, (v) The MANTLE is of Saxon-blue, lined with scarlet silk, tied with cordons of blue and scarlet silk and gold, and having on the left side the star of the Order. (z>i) The CHAPEAU is of blue satin, lined with scarlet and sur- mounted with white and black ostrich feathers. [Knights Commanders wear the badge, suspended to a narrower ribbon from the neck, and wear on their left side a star, composed of four rays, with a small cross of eight points in saltire of silver, surmounted by the Cross of St. George gules, and having the same centre as the star of the Grand Crosses. Companions wear the small Cross of the Order from a still narrower ribbon at the button-hole.! Chancellor Sir Robert George Wyndham Herbert, G.C.B. King of Arms S* Albert William Woods, K.C.M.G., C.B.