Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/949

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FORMAL MODES OF ADDRESSING PERSONS OF TITLE. than Earl's daughter,"! have the honour to be, Madam, your humble and obedient servant"; (ii) if of higher rank than Viscount's daughter, " I have the honour to be, Madam, Your lady- ship's humble and obedient servant." PER- SONAL ADDRESS (i) "Madam"; (ii) "My Lady," or " Vour Ladyship." Baron's Widow. Same as Baroness, if present Baron is unmarried, but if he be married then the widow, being the mother or grandmother of the Peer, is styled "The Right Hon. the Baroness Dowager ." When such relationship does not exist the widow is styled, "The Right Hon. [Maria] Baroness ." [See "Dowager."] As to re-marriage, see "Widows." Baron's Daughter. LETTERS. Superscription, if married (i) to an esquire, " The Hon. Mrs. " ; (ii) to a knight, or a baronet, "The Hon. Lady "; (iii) to the son of a Baron, a Viscount, or an Earl, " The Hon. Mrs. ," or if her husband has a married brother, "The Hon. Mrs. [William] " ; (iv) to the son of a Mar- quess or a Duke, "The Lady [Henry] ." If unmarried, "The Hon. [Mary] ." Commencement, " Madam." Conclusion (i) if unmarried, or married to one of lesser de- gree than the son of a Marquess or a Duke, " I have the honour to be, Madam, Your humble and obedient servant ; (ii) if married to the son of a Marquess or a Duke, same as Duke's Daughter. PERSONAL ADDRESS, "Madam," but if married to the son of a Marquess or a Duke, or to the Eldest Son of an Earl, "My Lady," or "Your Ladyship." Baron's Son. LETTERS. Superscrip- tion, "The Hon. [John] ." Commence- ment, " Sir." Conchision, " I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant." PERSONAL ADDRESS, " Sir." Baron's Son's Widow. Same as Baron's Son's Wije so long as she remains a widow. As to re-marriage, see "Widows." Bishop. LETTERS. Superscription, " The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of ." FORMAL DOCUMENTS, " The Right Rev. Father in God [William], by Divine Permis- sion Lord Bishop of ." Otherwise same as Baron. Colonial Bishops. Same as English Bishops. Irish Bishops consecrated prior to 1868 same as English Bishops. Those con- secrated more recently are by courtesy styled "The Right Rev. the Bishop of ," and are addressed as " Right Rev. Sir," excepting the Bishop of Meath, who is styled " Most Rev." Retired Bishops. Letters commence Right Rev. Sir," and are addressed " The Right Rev. Bishop [Smith]," or ' ' The Right Rev. [John] D. D. " Scotch Bishops. Letters commence " Right Rev. Sir," and are addressed to "The Right Rev. Bishop [Mackarness]." The territorial title cannot be used correctly. Suffragan Bishops. Same as Bishops. Superscription, " The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop Suffragan of ," or more usually, " The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of ." They have not seats in the House of Lords. Bishop's Wife. As wife of Esquire. Clerk in Holy Orders. LETTERS. Superscription, (i) if the son of a Duke or a a Marquess"The Rev. Lord [George] ;" (ii) if the son of an Earl, a Viscount, or a Baron "The Rev. The Hon. [Albert ;" (it is incorrect to write Hon. and Rev.), (iii) 869 if the son of a commoner "The Rev. [John] ," or, if the Christian name is not known, " The Rev. [Smith]." It is in- correct to write "The Rev. Mr. ." Commencement, "Rev. Sir," Conclusion, "I am, Rev. Sir, Your obedient Servant." PERSONAL ADDRESS, "Sir." Companion of an order of Knight- hood. Same as Esquire, adding after the word " Esq." the initials, "C.B.," "C.S.I.," "C.M.G.," "C.I.E.," or "D.S.O.," as the case may be. Consuls[English]. LETTER. Super- scription, "To , Esq., H.B.M.'s ['Agent and Consul General,' ' Consul General, 'Consul,' or 'Vice-Consul,' as the case may be] ." In other respects as an Esquire. Countess. LETTERS. Superscription, "To the Rt. Hon. the Countess of . In other respects, the same as Baroness. [See also "Earl's Widow."] If a Countess in her own right marry a gentleman of lesser degree than herself and have issue, the children have the same rank, and are addressed as if their father were an Earl. Dean. LETTERS. Superscription, " The Very Rev the Dean of ." Com- mencement, "Very Rev. Sir," Conclusion, " I have the honour to be, Very Rev. Sir, Your most obedient Servant." PERSONAL AD- DRESS, "Sir." Divorced Ladies. Immediately a lady is divorced she loses any title, or precedence, she gained by marriage.and resumes her maiden surname and precedence with the prefix of "Mrs." if the daughter of a commoner. A divorced peeress, however, asserts her right to use the title she acquired by marriage. Such claim is assumptive and worthless, and ought not to be recognised. Dowager, Lady, is addressed according to her rank. Immediately a peer, or a baronet, marries, the widow of the previous incumbent of the title becomes " Dowager." This prefix, however, is not generally appreciated, and during the last fifteen years it has been very much less used than formerly. It is well that the change is rapidly taking place, because confusion constantly occurs when there are two or more " Dowagers " in the same family, unless, according to their seniority, they be respectively termed "Dowager Dowager," or "Dowager Dowager Dowager." It is therefore recommended that each Dowager be addressed by her Christian name, as, "The Right Hon. [Mary,] Countess of ," &c., &c. if a peeress ; or, as " Ellen, Lady ," if a Baronet's widow. But the word "Dowager" should never be used except the lady addressed is either mother,or grandmother, of the present peer or baronet. Duchess. LETTERS. Superscription, "To Her Grace, the Duchess of ." Commencement, "Madam," Conclusion', "I have the honour to be, Madam, Your Grace's most humble and most obedient Servant." PERSONAL ADDRESS, "Your Grace." [See also " Duke's Widow," and for " Duchess of the Blood Royal," see " Princess."] Duke. LETTERS. Superscription, " To His Grace, the Duke of ." Com- mencement, "My Lord Duke," Conclusion, " I have the honour to be, my Lord Duke, Your Grace's most devoted and most obedient Servant." PERSONAL ADDRESS, " Your Grace." [For "Duke of the Blood Royal," see " Prince."] Duke's Daughter. LETTERS. Super- scription, " The Rt. Hon. Lady [Jane]