Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/962

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42 DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS and 3?o>veril British Steawaex*s. SAILIN'O REGULARLY TO THE Levant, Black Sea, Egypt, Cyprus, Algeria, Malta, and other Mediterranean Ports. Commander. Tons. Commander. Tons. AGIA-SOFIA DAVID CRUICKSHANK 2,586 | MACEDONIA F. B. DOBSON 2,852 ARARAT .. W. DRAPER .. 2,015 ARCADIA .. W. LOWCOCK .. 1,90! BRITANNIA GEORGE ROGERS 3,128 PALM .. W .T. WORTHINGTON 1,826 PLANTAIN WILLIAM WILKS 2,116 ROUMJELIA T. TOLSON EDWARDS 2,207 LACONIA C. H. BELL .. i,g A Steamer of the above Line if despatched from Liverpool at regular intervals, taking the following two routes: (1) Malta, Syra, Smyrna, Constantinople and Odessa, calling often on the return journey -at several Ports on the Asiatic coast of the Black Sea, Greece, and Spain. (2) Algiers, Malta, Alexandria, Beyrout, Alexandretta, and Cyprus, calling occasionally on the homeward voyage at Spanish Ports. No Overcrowding, Superior Accommodation, Lofty, well-ventilated Saloons and State-rooms. Stewardess carried. Safety, Home Comforts, Good and Liberal Table. Moderate fares for Single and Return Tickets, and no extra charged for living on board during ship's stay at Ports. Tourist and Pleasure Seekers taking a trip by this Line will find it most enjoyable and interesting. For Further Particulars apply to PAPAYANNI & CO. FEN WICK CHAMBERS, LIVERPOOL. National Telephone Company, Limited. f Under Licence from the Postmaster General.^ t JAMES STAATS FORBES, ESQ. 400 Exchanges, 39,000 Exchange Lines, 1,000 Call Offices, 7,000 Private Wires, and 23,000 miles of Trunk Lines. Speaking communication between the principal Towns of the Kingdom. For particulars as to Exchange Connections and private telephone instal- lations apply at the Head Office of the company^ Oxford Court, Cannon Street, London, E.G. W. E. L. GAINE, General Manager