Page:Declaration between the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the government of Ukraine.pdf/1

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Declaration between
the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
the government of Ukraine

UK - Ukraine declaration of Unity

The UK and Ukraine are united in a shared belief that nations should be sovereign, democratic and free.

Russia’s unprovoked attacks on Ukraine since 2014, and its full-scale invasion last year, have brutally assaulted Ukraine and its citizens. They are an attack on Europe’s security and the rights of people to determine their own future. They threaten our freedom.

Our countries stand side by side in the face of this aggression. We are the closest of friends, and the most committed of partners. Inspired by the heroism and resilience of the Ukrainian people, we have come together as never before. We share a common purpose.

President Putin believed his forces would be welcomed with open arms, that Ukrainians would not fight and that Western support would crumble. He has been proved wrong on all counts. The ingenuity, courage and determination of the Ukrainian people has been remarkable.

The UK reaffirms its unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its recognised borders, as well as Ukraine’s right to pursue its own security arrangements, including future membership of NATO.

Ukraine’s armed forces are defending not only their territory but also the UN Charter, our shared values and core principles of international law. Our countries firmly reject Russia’s claim to a ‘zone of influence’ and attempts to change borders by force. We share values on sovereignty and self-determination. We share the determination that atrocities committed by Russia must never happen again.

The UK’s military, humanitarian and economic support to Ukraine since the invasion has reached nearly £4bn. The UK is proud to be the largest supplier of military aid to Ukraine after the United States, with support of £2.3bn in 2022. Since 2015, the UK has been training the Ukrainian Armed Forces through Operation ORBITAL. We were the first European country to provide lethal aid. The UK has continued to lead the way in support for Ukraine to defend itself including anti-tank weapons and tanks. Our military support to Ukraine is enduring. UK support will continue to contribute across all three domains; Land, Air, Sea.

The UK remains committed to provide humanitarian aid to those in greatest need, to support Ukraine’s budget and economy, and to help restore Ukraine’s energy grid and other civilian infrastructure attacked by illegal Russian airstrikes. The UK has now sanctioned over 1,200 Russian individuals and over 120 entities since the invasion, the most extensive sanctions ever imposed against a major economy.