Page:Declaration of Sports, 1633 (1862 reprint).djvu/17

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ſerued in that Countie, as in all other places of this Our Kingdome. And on the other part, that no lawfull Recreation ſhall bee barred to Our good People, which ſhall not tend to the breach of Our aforeſayd Lawes, and Canons of Our Church: which to expreſſe more particularly, Our pleaſure is, That the Biſhop, and all other inferiour Churchmen, and Churchwardens, ſhall for their parts bee carefull and diligent, both to inſtruct the ignorant, and conuince and reforme them that are miſ-led in Religion, preſenting them that will not conforme themſelves, but obſtinately ſtand out to

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