Page:Declaration of Sports, 1633 (1862 reprint).djvu/24

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called Wakes. Now Our expreſſe will and pleaſure is, that theſe Feaſts with others ſhall bee obſerved, and that Our Iuſtices of the peace in their ſeuerall Diuiſions ſhall looke to it, both that all diſorders there, may be preuented or puniſhed, and that all neighbourhood and freedome, with manlike and lawfull Exerciſes bee vſed. And Wee farther Command Our Juſices of Aſſize in their ſeuerall Circuits, to ſee that no man doe trouble or moleſt any of Our loyall and duetifull people, in or for their lawfull Recreations, having firſt done their duetie to God, and continuing in
