Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 5 (1897).djvu/324

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302 THE DECLINE AND EALL sion of Saxons, Franks, Swabians, and Bohemians, who usurped the purple and prerogatives of the Caesars. Th9 kingdom There is nothing perhaps more adverse to nature and reason 774-1250 than to hold in obedience remote countries and foreign nations, in opposition to their inclination and interest. A torrent of barbarians may pass over the earth, but an extensive empire must be supported by a refined system of policy and oppression : in the centre, an absolute power, prompt in action and rich in resources ; a swift and easy communication with the extreme parts ; fortifications to check the first effort of rebellion ; a regular administration to protect and punish ; and a well- disciplined army to inspire fear, without provoking discontent and despair. Far different was the situation of the German Caesars, who were ambitious to enslave the kingdom of Italy. Their patrimonial estates were stretched along the Rhine, or scattered in the provinces ; but this ample domain was alienated by the imprudence or distress of successive princes ; and their revenue, from minute and vexatious prerogative, was scarcely sufficient for the maintenance of their household. Their troops were formed by the legal or voluntary service of their feudal vassals, who passed the Alps with reluctance, assumed the licence of rapine and disorder, and capriciously deserted before the end of the campaign. Whole armies were swept away by the pestilential influence of the climate ; the survivors brought back the bones of their princes and nobles,i^*^ and the effects of their own intemperance were often imputed to the treachery and malice of the Italians, who rejoiced at least in the calamities of the barbarians. This irregular tyranny might contend on equal terms with the ])etty tyrants of Italy ; nor can the people, or the reader, be much interested in the event of the quarrel. But in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the Lom- bards rekindled the flame of industry and freedom ; and the generous example was at length imitated by the republics of Tuscany. In the Italian cities a municipal government had never been totally abolished ; and their first privileges were granted by the favour and policy of the emperors, who were desirous of erecting a plebeian barrier against the independence of the nobles. But their rapid progress, the daily extension of I'C After boiling away the flesh. The caldrons for that purpose were a neces- sary piece of travelling furniture; and a German, who was using it for his brother, promised it to a friend, after it should have been employed for himself (Schmidt, torn. iii. p. 423, 424). The same author observes that the whole Saxon line was extingtiished in Italy (toni. ii. p. jo).