Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 5 (1897).djvu/568

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February 1S9S. Messrs. Methuen's ANNOUNCEMENTS Poetr J THE POEMS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by GEORGE Wyndham, M.P. Demy ?,vo. Biukrain, gilt top. s. 6d. This edition contains the 'Venus,' 'Lucrece' and Sonnets, and is prefaced with an elaborate introduction of over 140 pp. The text is founded on the first quartos, with an endeavour to retain the original reading. A set of notes deals with the problems of Date, The Rival Poets, Typography, and Punctuation ; and the editor has commented on obscure passages in the light of contemporary works. The publishers believe that no such complete edition has ever been published. Travel and Adventure THREE YEARS IN SAVAGE AFRICA. By Lionel Decle. With an Introduction by II. M. Stanley, M.P. With 100 IlUis- trations and 5 Maps. Demy^vo. 2is. Few Europeans have had the s.arae opportunity of studying the barbarous parts of Africa as Mr. Decle. Starting from the Cape, he visited in succession Bechuana- land, the Zambesi, Rlatabeleland and Mashonaland, the Portuguese settlement on the Zambesi, Nyasaland, Ujiji, the headquarters of the Arabs, German East Africa, Uganda (where he saw fighting in company with the late Major ' Roddy' Owen), and British East Africa. In his book he relates his experiences, his minute observations of native habits and customs, and his views as to the work done in Africa by the various European Governments, whose operations he was able to study. The whole journey extended over 7000 miles, and occupied exactly three years. EXPLORATION AND HUNTING IN CENTRAL AFRICA. By Major A. St. H. Gibbons, F.R.G.S. With 8 full- page Illustrations by C. Whymper, photographs and Map. Demy Svo. 1 5:-. This is an account of travel and adventure among the Marotse and contiguous tribes, with a description of their customs, characteristics, and historj-, together with the author's experiences in hunting big game. The illustrations are by Mr. Charles Whymper, and from photographs. There is a map by the author of the hitherto unexplored regions lying between the Zambezi and Kafukwi rivers and from iS° to 15° S. lat. WITH THE MASHONALAND FIELD FORCE, 1896. By Lieut. -Colonel Alperson. With numerous Illustrations and Plans. Demy St'o. 12s. Get. This is an account of the military operations in Mashonaland by the officer who commanded the troops in that district during the late rebellion. Besides its interest as a story of warfare, it will have a peculiar value as an account of the services of mounted infantry by one of the chief authorities on the subject.