Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 5 (1897).djvu/582

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i6 Messrs, Methuen's List R. S. S. Baden-Powell. THE DOWNFALL OF PREMPEH. A Diary of Life in Ashanti, 1895. By Colonel Baden-Powell. With 21 Illustrations and a Map. Demy %zw. os. 6d. ' A compact, faithful, most readable record of the campaign.' — Daily News. P S. S. Baden-Powell. THE MATEBELE CAMPAIGN 1896. By Colonel Baden-Powell. With nearly 100 Illustrations. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. I^s, ' As a straightforward account of a great deal of plucky work unpretentiously done, this book is well worth reading. The simplicity of the narrative is all in its favour, and accords in a peculiarly English fashion with the nature of the subject.' Tivies. Captain Hinde. THE FALL OF THE CONGO ARABS. By L. HiNDE. With Plans, etc. Demy 8z'^. 12s. 6d. The book is full of good things, and of sustained interest.' — St. James's Gazette. ' A graphic sketch of one of the most exciting and important episodes in the struggle for supremacy in Central Africa between the Arabs and their Kuropeon rivals. Apart from the story of the campaign. Captain Hinde's book is mainly remark- able for the fulness with which he discusses the question of cannibalism. It is, indeed, the .only connected narrative — in English, at any rate — which has been iniblished of this particular episode in African history.' — Times. W. Crooke. THE NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES OF INDIA: Their Ethnology and Administration. By W. Crooke. With Maps and Illustrations. DemyZvo. 10s. 6d. ' A carefully and well-written account of one of the most important provinces of the Empire. In seven chapters Wr. Crooke deals successively with the land in its physical aspect, the province under Hindoo and ]Iussulman rule, the province under British rule, the ethnology and sociology of the province, the religious and social life of the people, the land and its settlement, and the native peasant in his relation to the land. The illustrations are good and well selected, and the map is excellent. ' — Manchester Guardian. A. Boisragon. THE BENIN MASSACRE. By Captain Boisragon. With Portrait and Map. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. y. 6d. ' If the story had been written four hundred years ago it would be read to-day as an English classic' — Scotsman. ' If anything could enhance the horror and the pathos of this remarkable book it is the simple style of the author, who writes as he would talk, unconscious of his own heroism, with an artlessness which is the highest art.' — Pall Mall Gazette. H. S. Cowper. THE HILL OF THE GRACES : or, the Great Stone Temples of Tripoli. By 11. S. Cowper, F.S.A. With Maps, Plans, and 75 Illustrations. Demy Sz'o. los. 6d, 'The book has the interest of all first-hand work, directed by an intelligent man towards a worthy object, and it forms a chapter of what has now become quite a large and important branch of antiquarian research.' — Times. Kinnaird Rose. WITH THE GREEKS IN THESSALY. By W. Kinnaird Rose, Reuter's Correspondent. With Plans and 23 Illustrations. Crotan 8vo. 6s. W. B. Worsfold. SOUTH AFRICA. By W. B. Worsfold, M.A. IVilh a Map. Second Edition. Crown 2,vo. 6s. ' A monumental work compressed into a very moderate compass.' — World.