Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 5 (1897).djvu/68

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46 THE DECLINE AND FALL of Rei and the plains of Media. From the commanding heights, a band of resohite men might overwhehn with stones and darts the myriads of the Turkish host : their emperor and his son were transjiierced with arrows : and the fugitiv^es were left, Avithout counsel or provisions, to the revenge of an injured people. The patriotism of the Persian general was stimulated l)y his affection for the city of his forefathers ; in the hour of victory every peasant became a soldier, and every soldier an hero ; and their ardour was kindled by the gorgeous spectacle of beds and thrones and tables of massj' gold, the spoils of Asia, and the luxury of the hostile camp. A prince of a less malignant temper could not easily have forgiven liis benefactor, and the secret hatred of Hormouz was envenomed by a malicious report that Bahram had privately retained the most precious fruits of his Turkish victory. But the approach of a Roman army on the side of tiie Araxes compelled the im- placable tyrant to smile and to applaud ; and the toils of Bahram were rewarded with the permission of encountering a new enemy, by their skill and disci{)line more formidable than a Scythian multitude. Elated by his recent success, he dis- patched an herald with a bold defiance to the camp of the Romans, requesting them to fix a day of battle, and to choose whether they would pass the river tliemselves or allow a free passage to the arms of the Great King. The lieutenant of the emperor Maurice preferred the safer alternative, and this local circumstance, which would have enhanced the victory of the Persians, rendered their defeat more bloody and their escape more difficult. But the loss of his subjects and the danger of his kingdom were overbalanced in the mind of Hormouz by the disgrace of his personal enemy ; and no sooner had Bahram collected and reviewed his forces than he received from a royal messenger the insulting gift of a distaff, a spinning- wheel, and a complete suit of female apparel. Obedient to the will of his sovereign, he shewed himself to the soldiers in this unworthy disguise ; they resented his ignominy and their own ; a shout of rebellion ran through the ranks ; and the general accepted their oath of fidelity and vows of revenge. A second messenger, who had been commanded to bring the rebel in chains, was trampled under the feet of an elephant, and manifestos were diligently circulated, exhorting the Persians to assert their freedom against an odious and contemptible tyrant. The defection was rapid and universal ; his loyal skives were sacrificed to the public fury ; the troops deserted to the