Page:Defence of India Act, 1962 on Gazette of India.pdf/17

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Sec. 1]

(g) prescribe the duties and powers of public servants and other persons as regards preventing the contravention of, or securing the observance of, the rules or of any order issued thereunder;
(h) provide for preventing the obstruction and deception of, and disobedience to, any person acting, and interference with any notice issued, in pursuance of the rules or of any order issued thereunder;
(i) prohibit attempts to screen from punishment any person contravening any of the rules.


Constitution of Special Tribunals. 13. (1) The State Government may, for the whole or any part of the State, constitute one or more Special Tribunals which or each of which shall consist of three members appointed by that Government.

(2) No person shall be appointed as a member of a Special Tribunal unless he—

(a) is qualified under clause (2) of article 217 of the constitution for appointment as a Judge of a High Court; or
(b) has for a total period of not less than three years exercised, whether continuously or not, the powers under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 18985 of 1898. (hereafter in this Chapter referred to as the Code) of any one or more of the following, namely:—
(i) Sessions Judge, Additional Sessions Judge, Chief Presidency Magistrate, Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate,
(ii) District Magistrate, Additional District Magistrate.

(3) At least one member of a Special Tribunal shall be qualified for appointment thereto under clause (a) of sub-section (2), and where only one member is so qualified under that clause, at least one other member shall be qualified for appointment under clause (b) of that sub-section by virtue of having exercised powers exclusive of those specified in sub-clause (ii) of the said clause (b).

Jurisdiction of Special Tribunals. 14. During the period during which the Proclamation of Emergency is in operation, the State Government may, by general or special order, direct that a Special Tribunal shall try any offence—

(a) under any rule made under section 3, or
(b) punishable with death, imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years under section 5 of this Act or under sub-section (4) of section 5 of the Indian Official Secrets Act, 192319 of 1923., as amended by section 6 of this Act,
triable by any court having jurisdiction within the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Special Tribunal and may in any such order direct the transfer to the Special Tribunal of any particular case from any