Page:Defence of Shelburne.djvu/57

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barously checked the spring that gives energy and animation to political movements in this country did certainly astonish the world; yet their victory was dearly bought, and no miracle accompanied their glory. The stamina are yet in a state of wholeness. They only wait a little cultivation to vegetate in full fecundity, and bloom out again in their antient vigor and mellowness. Human nature is not very subject to extraordinary conversions, and Jugurtha and Sir Robert Walpole will still maintain their station amongst moral philosophers. Omnes mortales pecunia aggrediantur.—Men may think, and stammer, and stutter, and doubt, but they will decide after all, and they will decide with the ruling passion. Vicit in avido ingenio pravum consilium.

Was the great and shining feature of Parliament impaired or altered upon the motion relative to Mr. Rigby last June? So far from it, that the house, which for two months before exhibited a solitary aspect of depopulated benches, could scarcely contain the crowd of senators, who came accounted with wry faces, 'like Herod's hang-dogs in old tapestry,' to give a home thrust to that impious missionary, who threatened ruin to their antient tenets, and meditated the destruction of their old religion.

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