Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/220

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a state of lethargy. But iF they never enjoyed the use of ressou, the authority and practice of the church decide that they are to be balgized in the faith of the church, on the came principle that children are ? tized before they come to the use of mason." Such a use of baptism may well consist with the idea that it is to be merely cluzrm, or or cm. i?1o?red as a ?ll, ?t?t?tio? i but by no means with the sentiment that it is an orSinance of Christ, a representatio? of grace, and a mev-?s of receiving it. Those who would see more om this point must consult the divines or theologians, who have consider- able to say respecting the baptism of insane, mad, dnmh,.deaf, and idiotic persons.* a. TI? bapti,vm of cldldre? or i**fa?ts. The ?fin chu?h teaeh?, in common ?th the ?ater ? of ? t?m, ?t c?&en ?ht ? ? ?p?ed; th?h &e re? w?h ?duce &era ? ve? ?fferent. The one c? of ?? ?e? t?t ?tho? baptism no ? can be saved; the o?or m*in? ? it c?t ? nogloe? ?&out ?eat danger ? &e c?e of r? ?d even ? o? sdvafi?. The Rom? Ca?c?m on t? ?t ?hes ? f?o? :?" ?t �e law of ?pfism, ? es?b?hed by ?r law, e?n? m ?, i?mu? t?t, ?ess ?ey ?e regene?d t?ugh the ?ce of baptism, ? ? ?um C?8fi?s or i?dels, &ey ?e ?m m e?md ? ?d ever- l?g d?on.?" ?t ?s law ex?nds, not o?y to ?m, ? ?o m ?f?m; ?d ?t the church ? received ? im in??on ? a?c ?ti?, ? confi?ed by ?e autho? ?d ?en?en? ? the concuffent testimonies of the fathe?."?" If, ?en, ?mu? ?e ??ion of Adm, c?&eu i?e?t the s?u of p?me? ? ? there ? ? s?nger rein to conclude ?t the e?c?i? me? ? C?st &e ? m?t im?n m them ?t justice ?d ?se ?es w? w? ?ve &era a title m ?i? ? e?md l?e ? T?s ?ppy co??- ?on bap? done c? accomp?h.? A?u: "?e f? ? e?osdy ? be e?ned ? ?e ?are t?t &eir c?l?n be bmug? ? ?e ch?ch ? s?n ? it c? ? d?e ?th safe?, m ?ceive balm; ?, ?ess ?p?ed, cannot en?r heaven, ?d hence we my we? c?ceive how deep ?e enor?ty of ?eir ?t w?, ? ne?nce, s?er them m remaiu ?th?t the ?ce of ?e s??t longer ? necessi? may req?; pa?cularly at ? a? ? tend? ? m ? e?ed ? n?berless dange? of death/'? From the foregoing we perceive that the Romanism believe all in- fanta must be shut out of heaven who have not been baptized. The d?mnation of infants will be particularly considered in a future What here will occupy our attention is their doctrine respoctin?Pa? baptism of infants, as it conducts them to the most superstitious degrading practices in reference to the atlmiuistration of baptism t6 sickly children, to abortives, and those whose mothers die in obstrnct? births. In' cases where newly-bern infants are sickly or about to die, Rom? Catholics make great haste to baptize them before death, lest, for

  • See Oollet de Bapt., c. 8, art. 1, p. 17?; Dens de Bapt., No. ?(i; Ferm? in

art. v, n. 80; Liebemmnn de 8ubjecto thpt., tom. iv, pure 1, p. 9?t; Bailly de prop. ii, tom. iii, p. 466. t Catee?, pp. 16?, 16?. $ ldem, p. 184. 1