Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/224

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tic or schimnatie, Jew, T?, or ?del. T? ? cl? from ?e f? e?n. Now ?e eigh? ?d ? ?ons ? that ? bap? ?r- ?g; ?d f?e?o?, t? ? t? ? ?p ? ot? ??. Ths c?us p?ce ?s ?yo? ?1 dour. "?. 8. Wh?ver s? ? ?h? &e bap? ?he prece?of ?e holy church, either ?uen or de?ver? by fion, m t?y ?e not ob?god m ?e?e ?em u?ess ?ey w?l sub?t m ?sm of ?eir o? acco?; let ?m ? acc?ed? "?. 14. ?ver sha? a? ?at when ? ?ed c?u ?w up ?ey ?e to ? ?ked whether they w? co? &e pm?s made by ?he? ?s?e? in the? name st ?s? ?Ni?; ? ? if they say &ey wi? not, they ? m be left m ?eir own choice, ?d no? m be com? in ?e me? ?e to le? a ?s?u ?e, by ?y ?er p?is?ent ? excision from the euchs?st and the o?or ?c?en?, ? ?ey ?nt; let ?m ? Bene?et XIV., in ?s Co?mfions, teaches that ?d heretics or Pm?st?m s? ?s of the Romau Chub, ?d subjsc? ?o her �u?ofi? sad laws. Iu ?s con,ruben conce?ng the v? of ?e ?sen a Je?sh mw? and an heretic? wo? we ?d ?e fo?o?g: "Hence lh? al? is ?ce?, lhut he who ?ceives ?? ?m a hsro?e be?mes, by ?me ?e?f, a ?ugs of the C?oBc for ?e pri? e?or of ?e bspfizer cannot dep?ve &e pe? of fascia, if he co?em ?e sae?ent in ?e faith of the true church, ?d pr?s? i?s ?ti?s ? ?ose ?n? w?eh ?lon? the ?i?v of ?p?m. S?e? co? ?s with ?est ab?i? ? defence ?f the Cs?lic f? ag?st ?e e? of ?e En?sh ?ct, whets he proves ?at eve? baptized ?on is a member of ?e church; ?g ?s ?, ?t if a heretic, ? often ?p?ns, bap?s ? infant who is u?le m exercise ? a? of faith, that ?ere ? no imminent why ?e c?ld wo?d ?t receive s h?it of f?ith wi? bsp?smY "We ?ve s? f?ly ?ce?ned that those ?pfized by heretics, ?hey e?e m ?at age iu w?ch they c? of ?hemselv? ?stin?ish ? ?m e?, bu?' ?he? m ?e erm? of ?eir bap?er, re?ed f?m ?e ?ity of &e church, ?d ? dep?v? of th? benefim w?ch mem?rs enjoy; but they ?e not ? ? freed from ? ?m laws, ss ?e? h? willy shown. n* �"?as ? e? com?um ?, eum qui ?ti? ab ?t?o ?t? sure,it i?ius v? ?eimm Ca? meu;b?m e?ii; p?wtus ?q?dem bspti?ntis e?r ?e eum f?i? p? n?ui? si ?c?entum confret ? ?e ve? ?cl?, 8u? ? ms ?ei Osthol?m defensiono contra e? ? ?c?m, lib. i, c. ia qua ?a? a ?m d?ice? per se ?in? a?ue e?oribus ?afis qu? sb ?le? uni? re?11?. fi?ue ?s or?ri o?bu? ?uibus fmum? in cl? v?n? non ?men ab ejus auct?w, e? l?ibus ?; ut ?pi?t?r ?n- ?1? ?.?Bulla. Ben?c. XIV., tom. iii, consti?. ?, 1?. 1%