Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/373

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CHAPTER XH. PURGATORY. L 8TATr?BBT Or ?HRIR DOCTBINS. 1. Introductm 7 remark: 2. Their ?ited. Creed of' Plus IV. Dens. Council of Trent. The Roman Catechism. ?ne DouaF Catechism. Ceution of the Roman Cetechlsm: 3. Enumeration of the points embraced in the foregoing quotstions.?11. PURGATORY IS WITHOUT FOUNDATION 8CroPTUBE. 1. Some Roman Cethelics allow it is not supported by ScFipture: 2. Not proved by In. xxii, 14: 3. Nor Matt. v, 25, ?6: 4. Nor Matt. xii, 8?: 5. Nor by* Pet x? 12; Matt. xvi, 27, &c.: 6. Nor 1 Cot. iii, 12-15: 7. Nor I Pet. iii, 18, 19, 20. --III. THR Att?t?!fElqTS BROUGHT TO PROVE IT CONSIDERED. l. Bishop Heys argu- ment answered: 2. Their arguments are dubious at best: 3. Dr. A. Clarke cited. �. ArEinHerit from the heathen poets considered.--IV. SCRIPTURE 15 AGAINST THB DoorBINS. 1. Only two characters are mentioned: 2. The thief on the crom: 3. Cue of the rich man and Lazarus: 4. P,,ev. xiv. 13: 5. Many texts inconsistent with it: 6. It is inconsistent with justification by faith: 7. Is contrary to the comph:ts redemp- tion of Clmst: 8. Is derogatory to the office of the 8pirit.--�. TESTIMONY OP THE FAI*?BRS. 1. Some goneral remarks. The eadier fethers did net teach it : (l.)None or few of the Greek fathers mention it; (2.) Theu? the fathers often pray for the deed, ?they Hover pray for their deliverance out of purg?ter,/; (3.) In w!?t sense they men- on.?'? se connected with futurity; (4.) Their sennmerit subversus of' it; (5.) The sentiment was never crowed as an L-'ticle'of faith, or of apostolical tradition. Three rnesons fro: this: 2. Their testimony examined. Polycerp omits it. Ignatius. Ire. umus. Justin Martyr. Cyprian. Chrysoetem. Tertullhn. Epiphnius. Gr,,sty Nashnzen. Ambrose. Ep'hmm, the Syrian. Augustine. Or?n: O. Meny?5. nm?sts allow that the doctrine of puqptory did not exist in the primitive church: 4. Sentiments of the Greek Church considered.?�I. PRAYING fOR THB CO?OTBD WITH PUItGATOBY.?VII. ITS ORIGIN, PROGRESS, AND ]?STABLISHMENT. 1. The Romsn Catholic boast is vain concerning the antiquity of their rel/gion: 2. PLuto's division of men into three chsoes: 3. They follow the errors of the heathen in this point: 4. But the early Christians did not receive the doctrine: �tate of' tho question in the twelfth ceutury.?�III. ITs ABSURDITIES AND BAD 1. It is chiefly supported by epparitiop, and false miracles: 2. The place where situ- ate(J, and its various depa?m? ents: 3. The kind end degree of punishment: 4. Dura- tion of. the punishment. Copy of. �release: 5. They teach that souls in Pur?tory are aided by the suffrages of. the living. SufL"?es defined. They consider this an ?ticlo of. faith. Not proved by I Cot xli, 26. Nor 1 John v, 16. Praying for the deed unauthorized. Absurdity of their doctrine instanced in �quotation from Dens: 6. Who they m who go to pur?tory: 7. It is an erticle of faith: 8. It is supremely supersti- M. Council of Trent c?ted in proof. Instances in burials. Difference between die poor and rich. Dens cited. Instance of this at Bhirsviile, Pa. Cue of Dr. Y'ouug's deughter, in Spain: 9. The doctrine is a source of profit to the Romaall clex W. This is attested by history. Gother's plea considered. Decision of' Trent dom not counteract this. Three renons proving this. Puq?torian societies. Cant* in? the cortes: 10. Purgatory makes merctmndise of souls. Instance in Westmore- land county, Pa. Traffic inSpain. These are not abuses of the doctrine: 11. It is a powerful engine to work on the fears of an igoomnt end superstitious people: 12. It i,, R gross and grievons falsehood: 13. It is peruReiGns to the souls of men: 14. It connects itself with the corrupt state of the 0hurch of Rome, both in faith end morals. I. Tbir do?ri,? Anzed. 1. The Romish doctrine of justification being fundamentally errone- ous and defective, it must of necessity follow that the sinuer is con- strained to seek for other helps to salvation. To the errors on thio point we may trace almost all the corruptions of popery; such as rb g?e?s, mas?e? for t? dead, mu/purgatory. The Scriptures proc?m 1