Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/419

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CHAP. Xlll.] ?SDULOB.?cr, s. 'tl3 In a collection of these revoked indulgences, which the reader may find in Ferraris, as quoted above, they are ranged or classed under each month of the year. These, or nearly all of them, are ?/?nary d?d?,eace?; they are connected with certain .?tat/?n.v; are 8ucn as every member of the religious orders, for which they were given, may obtain. They contain panIons for twenty-five thousand years, eighteen thou- sand, ?en thousand, &c. Some grant the privilege of an indulgence for a certain number of years, and the 1//?rat/oa of a ?oul fro?/aa'g, Uory. Et liberatio animee e purgatorio. Others grant with the indulgence certain years, (say twenty-eight thousand,) a reynis? of the tldrd which j�f/d? sin?. Remissis tertim parris pecc-,torum. The list to we hal's reference contains the titles of nifty distinct forms of indulgences which were revoked; but then the less was soon made up by the in- stitution of more. At any rate, it would not be difficult to use some of those which were pronounced by Innocent XI. ut falsas, confli?tas, zt atMcr?tp;}as, as fals?, forged, and apocryplal ; as an imposition of this kind would be nothing worse th,?n what is practised more or less by the grantor of every indulgence. 4. TAose granted to certain orders. Leo X. granted to all the Brethren Minors of the Regular Observ- ance, to the monks of St. Clara, and of the Third Order, that in saying five times Pater noster, &c., with Ave Maria, and in the end of each a, Gloria Patri to the intention of the pope, and another Patdr and Avz

$[aria and Gloria Patti for him who gives the indulgence, would obtain

all indulgences, as well plenary as non-plenary, conceded to the Ro- man churches, the Jerusalem, Compestella, and Partiuncula churches, dvring every hour of the day and night. These indulgences, they maintain, were not revoked by Paul V., because he did not revoke the local indulgences, or those granted to churches, but 0nly thepersona/ ones. Nor did he revoke those granted for the souls of the Regulars then in purgatory; nor those ?anted to them indiscriminately for all the faithful. This indulgence obtains the name of the Station of the Holll Sacrament, because the Pater nesters, the Ave Mafias, and Glo- ria Patres, six in all, are to be said at the sacrament of the altar. Plenary indulgences of the above description were to be obtained at Ro?ne in former times, (and there is no material change now,) in as many as thirty-eight c. hurches; besides many extraordinar? ones every month, which amounted to six hundred and sixty-nine m the aggre- gate. The non-plenary indulgences were innumerable. The indulgences granted to those who visit the Holy Land were very numerous. In the list of plen,?ry indulgences granted for visiting several places in Judea, we lind as many as tweaty-tu?o. The non- plenary indulgences granted for visiting various places in the Holy Land are so numerous that we cannot take time to count them. Those who wish to see the catalogue, may consult Ferraris on Indulgences, (art. v, No. 8,) where he will lind great spiritual privileges granted to those who would visit where the Virgin learned her alphabet, a certain monastery where there is a pan of the 'cross of Christ, the fountain where Mary washed the clothes of Christ, &c., &c. We have now before us many forms, containing plenary and other indulgences to such of the Brothers Minors of the Regular Observance and others, on the condition of teaching the Roman Ca?holic religion l