Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/439

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CHAP. XI�.] EXTi?EIfE UMOTIOLq. '433 evidend? ? s?. And such b? ?1 means should ? the profits, ? ?is be ce?n, ;or intorice, in a s?M o? pl? volun? an? com- pleM d?enness." "But whd? ?ncemin? those w? ?e 8udde? dep?ved of the u? o; ?uen in ?e ve? ? or intertron o? cem?t?n? me?l 8in, while, in the men ?me, it is unce? whaler t? ?e inw? dep?ved o[ the use o? redson ? For instance, ?e? who a? mo? we?ded a duel, or thee who are, un? ?he pFeden? ?me, ?own M have ?v? in concubinage, ud have ?ven, ?d now ?ve no si? e; ?ence A?. Pauel8 te?he? ?at n such can be ab?lv?, ?a?e ?ey may p?bably use re?n inwa?!y, and may have con?fion, ? ? ?e her e?reme unction may be ?inis?red ? ?sm. Bmupman and ?teya? teach that, even ? consis?ncy with ?e ?n?ent ?t such may be absolved, ex?eme unction ought not, nevertheless, be Mind ? them. And Ste? says that such w? ?e practice ? ? ?e. h is said, in t? v? ?t ofm?t? ?n; ?cause it seem8 to be 8?, if they h? sp?e for ?nitence before they became desti? of re?n, sacred unction is not to be denied ? them: became, it h pm?r 8up?e that they have been penitent, ?ugh ?ey ?ve no si? of ?nitence According ? ?s, we have die following picture of Rom? Ca?olic morality and doerfine :?1. Ch?ti?s may be guilty of ? sins, such as duelling, c?cubinage, or vol? and compleM ?nke?. ?. They are 8?denly deprived of their se?8, in the ve? act of without the le?t de?e of m?n?nce. 3. Yet these noM?o? 8?ne? may be abMlved from ?eir 8?, and receive ?s 8?mment of unction. Consequently such will ? to heaven when ?ey &e, or ?er they 8?1 be in pur?wry for some time. Surely ?is is a l?ense ? commit sin with all ?eediness. It is ?owed, indeed, that they M?h ? re?nt in due time; but then ff ?ey are not dished ? ?pent, dete?ined ? continue in s?, they ?e ??a?d by the system of pope?; so that they may obtain heaven ?d Hve in sin ?t ?e days of sheir life. Nor is t?s the opinion of a so?t? in&vidual, but of their cler? gcneral. So Ba?ly sm?s res?cting such sinne? n mentioned a?ve, that ?s sup?se they may be ab?lved ?d anonted, prodded gave si?s of repentance or of piety when ?ey h? ?e use of rein. He then ?ves the following impio? and licentio? ins?c?o?:" 8evere, however, ?d not improbable, i8 ?e opi?n of Hadflus, PeMr Collet, and othe?, who are oi?e opi?on tht ex?eme unction oug? admi?stered to ALL THE FAITHFUL deprived of their ?nse8, WHETHER THEY HA?'E LIVED PIOUSLY OR WICKEDLY, prodded ?ey ? sp?e for ?ni?nce befo? they were dep?v? of m?on. The m?ns for are: l. Because the f?l ?sess ?i8 ? a m?r of ?g?; ? they cannot be depdved of ?e sacramenM, u?ess it is ce?in ?ey bye been dep?ved of t?s ?ght by manifest impe?Mnce. 2. Became, they are Chdstians, and imbued wi? the p?cipl? of f? it is pre?med ?at they, in the l? ?ent ? w?ch ?ey were h session ? ?eir senses, were 8?uen wi? ?niMnce ...... The pas? of the church commonly follow in practice ?s option." M? p.?. VOL. I.--?