Page:Dellada - The Woman and the Priest, 1922.djvu/159

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meant specially for him, and he thought God was making known His will through the mouths of men. He mounted his horse and said to the old man's grandson:

"Stay with your grandfather until he is dead. God is great and we never know what may happen."

The man accompanied him part of the way, and when they were out of earshot of the keeper he said:

"Listen, sir. My grandfather did give his money into my charge; it's here, inside my coat. It is not much, but whatever it is, it belongs to me, doesn't it?"

"If your grandfather gave it to you for yourself alone, then it is yours," replied Paul, turning round to see if the others were following.

They were following. Antiochus was leaning on a stick he had fashioned for himself out of the branch of a tree, and the keeper, the glazed peak of his cap and the buttons of his tunic reflecting the last rays of the evening light, had halted at the corner of the path and was