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I. Report No. _ 2.GovernmentAccession No. 3.Recipient's Catalog No. .N4TSB/AAR-86/00 PB86-910406 . . lo. Title and Subtitle Aircraft Acmdent Report--1)eIta ' 4 5.Report D'a't'é'"

Air Lines, Inc., Lockheed L-101 1-385-1, N726DA, August 15, ’1986

war My 5. . t ,w. .M . 5

Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Texas, ‘ ’

. Performing “Organ i zatj '0an August 2, 1985 ‘ ' W Code' '- 9'1

7. Authoris) _ ‘ ' ‘ .,__8V.Performing Osrganizatjon

9. Performing Organization Name and‘AddreSS' ' :",; lQ.Nork Unit No. National Transportation safety Board" _ ' ' " I' 422413“ _. V,_ Bureau of Accident Investigation ' ' _'_ ' ‘ ‘ “ ' I‘ll.Contractf_or Grant__Np-.: Washington, _D.‘C. 20594 ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ » . - . .. V

lfi-TYPe of Report


Aircraft Accident ité'pém AuguSt1985

12.Sponsoring Agency Name gnqungess ljaé‘.“

NATIQNAL 'lRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD . z . ‘ ‘ N§Sh1ngt9n. 0- Cf'20594 *~ ~ lh.Sponsorinnggency Qode

  • ~.~.-’.'; sw-z-  : . r‘ .w.. '

‘ "»J.‘~1*Zz'.. .‘.. ‘ > ..s’

lS.Supplementary Notes A

'6'Absiract ._ On August 2,’ 1985, at 1805:52‘ central-‘daylight' time, Delta Air ‘fL'i‘ries flight 191, a Lockheed L-1011—‘385—1, 'N726DA,‘ crashed whileapproaching to land on ‘rurixxfay 17L at the Dallas Fort Worth ‘International Airport, Texas, ' While passing'through t_he:rain shaftbene‘ath a thunderStOrm, flight 191 entered a microbiir's‘t Which 'the pilot'iwas unaplejto traverse successfully.‘ The airplane struck the 'ground‘about‘_6,30’0 feet north'of the appiroa’rch

.end of runway 17L,‘hit a car'on a highway'north ofgh'efirunwayikilling’ the driver, strucjf<:t§-co

_ water! tanks on the'airport, and broke apart.‘ Except’for‘ra‘iséction of the airplane containing the aft fuselage and empennagegthe ,Arer‘nainderr of "thefi'airplane disintegrated duringf the impact sequent-e," and a'se‘vere‘ fi‘r'e“"é’ru'p‘ted 'di’i’r’i’h’g th’éa'i‘mipact sequence. Of' the 163‘pexfsdns aboard, 134 passengers and crewmemberswere killed; 26 passengers and 3 cabin attendants survived.' . . ' , a " j . 5H,, , : . affliii‘rl 11 ‘ H". ‘ 3‘“;

‘;:r'= tug azriuxi psie eunua,y133'_ . H . A. ., w.

'The National Transportation,Safety Board; determines that'the‘ Probable causes

of the accident were ,thfé‘:‘flightc‘rew‘s‘déaisioni'tofiinijtiiteiand continuethe‘“approachintd a

cumulonimbus cloud Which theyibbstéFi/e‘arta"Eantaihi’vis‘ifiié lightning; ‘the‘lack of specific

guidelines, procedures, and training for avoiding and escaping from low—altitude wind shear;

. and‘the lack of definitive, real—time wind shear hazard information. "Thisq’iz‘esulted in‘the aircraft‘s "encounter at low altitude 'with‘ a‘m‘icrobursté-i‘nduced; severe .fwi‘ndn shear from; a

. rapidly developing thunderstorm located on the final approach course. ' ' " ’ ’i ' 2*“

\i '31!"

.-l~8..Distribut:ion Statement - .ThiS document is available from .the National Technical

:Informat-i‘on’a Service,

Springfield,- _‘Virginia, _ 22161.

.17'Kexword5 _ instrument approaCh;'thunderstorm; microburst; wind shear; LLWAS; DOppler radar; weather; PIREPs; microburst penetration; microburSt avdidan'ce‘procedures" ‘ ‘

13.5ecurity Classification» .20.$ecurity.Classificafioni Zl.No: of Pages 22.Price (of; this i‘n’zézisif(oifurfiis-p“a‘g"e);va;;;:. 3. _, - a _.  : UNCLASSIFIED- -- a » ' (UNCL'ASSI'FLED V 166-”

NTSB Form 1765.2 (Rev. 9/74)