Page:Democracy in America (Reeve, v. 1).djvu/140

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strates; and within that circle they have an entire right to perform their functions independently of any other authority. Above the township scarcely any trace of a series of official dignities is to be found. It sometimes happens that the county officers alter a decision of the townships, or town magistrates[1], but in general the authorities of the county have no right to interfere with the authorities of the township[2], except in such matters as concern the county.

The magistrates of the township, as well as those of the county, are bound to communicate their acts to the central government in a very small number of predetermined cases[3]. But the central government is not represented by an individual whose business it is to publish police regulations and ordonnances enforcing the execution of the laws; to keep up a regular communication with the officers of

  1. Thus licenses are only granted to such persons as can produce a certificate of good conduct from the selectmen. If the selectmen refuse to give the certificate, the party may appeal to the justices assembled in the Court of Sessions; and they may grant the license. See Act of 12th March 1808: vol. ii. p. 186.

    The townships have the right to make by-laws, and to enforce them by fines which are fixed by law; but these by-laws must be approved by the Court of Sessions. See Act of 23rd March 1786: vol. i. p. 254.

  2. In Massachusetts the county magistrates are frequently called upon to investigate the acts of the town magistrates; but it will be shown further on that this investigation is a consequence, not of their administrative, but of their judicial power.
  3. The town committees of schools are obliged to make an annual report to the secretary of the State on the condition of the school. See Act of 10th March 1827: vol. iii. p. 183.