Page:Departmental Ditties and Ballads and Barrack-Room Ballads, Kipling, 1899.djvu/293

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'Twas when the rain fell steady an' the Ark was pitched an' ready,
That Noah got his orders for to take the bastes below;
He dragged them all together by the horn an' hide an' feather,
An' all excipt the Donkey was agreeable to go.

Thin Noah spoke him fairly, thin talked to him sevarely,
An' thin he cursed him squarely to the glory av the Lord:
"Divil take the ass that bred you, and the greater ass that fed you—
Divil go wid you, ye spalpeen!" an' the Donkey went aboard.

But the wind was always failin', an' 'twas most onaisy sailin',

An' the ladies in the cabin couldn't stand the stable air;