Page:Descent of Man 1875.djvu/645

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  • Bourien, on the marriage-customs of the savages of the Malay Archipelago, 598.
  • Bovidæ, dewlaps of, 531.
  • Bower-birds, 406; habits of the, 381; ornamented playing-places of, 92, 413.
  • Bows, use of, 179.
  • Brachycephalic structure, possible explanation of, 56.
  • Brachyura, 268.
  • Brachyurus calvus, scarlet face of, 550.
  • Bradley, Mr., abductor ossis metatarsi quinti in man, 42.
  • Brain, of man, agreement of the, with that of lower animals, 6; convolutions of, in the human fœtus, 11; influence of development of mental faculties upon the size of the, 54; influence of the development of, on the spinal column and skull, 55; larger in some existing mammals than in their tertiary prototypes, 81; relation of the development of the, to the progress of language, 87; disease of the, affecting speech, 88; difference in the convolutions of, in different races of men, 167; supplement on, by Prof. Huxley, 199; development of the gyri and sulci, 204.
  • Brakenridge, Dr., on the influence of climate, 32.
  • Brandt, A., on hairy men, 19.
  • Braubach, Prof., on the quasi-religious feeling of a dog towards his master, 96; on the self-restraint of dogs, 103.
  • Brauer, F., on dimorphism in Neurothemis, 291.
  • Brazil, skulls found in caves of, 168; population of, 173; compression of the nose by the natives of, 583.
  • Break between man and the apes, 156.
  • Bream, proportion of the sexes in the, 249.
  • Breeding, age of, in birds, 484.
  • —— season, sexual characters making their appearance in the, in birds, 390.
  • Brehm, on the effects of intoxicating liquors on monkeys, 7; on the recognition of women by male Cynocephali, 8; on the diversity of the mental faculties of monkeys, 27; on the habits of baboons, 51; on revenge taken by monkeys, 69; on manifestations of maternal affection by monkeys and baboons, 70; on the instinctive dread of monkeys for serpents, 71; on the use of stones as missiles by baboons, 81; on a baboon using a mat for shelter from the sun, 82; on the signal-cries of monkeys, 87; on sentinels posted by monkeys, 101; on co-operation of animals, 101; on an eagle attacking a young Cercopithecus, 101; on baboons in confinement protecting one of their number from punishment, 103; on the habits of baboons when plundering, 104; on polygamy in Cynocephalus and Cebus, 217; on the numerical proportion of the sexes in birds, 247; on the love-dance of the black-cock, 363; on Palamedea cornuta, 366; on the habits of the Black-grouse, 366; on sounds produced by birds of paradise, 376; on assemblages of grouse, 405; on the finding of new mates by birds, 409; on the fighting of wild boars, 518; on the habits of Cynocephalus hamadryas, 590.
  • Brent, Mr., on the courtship of fowls, 417.
  • Breslau, numerical proportion of male and female births in, 243.
  • Bridgman, Laura, 88.
  • Brimstone butterfly, 312; sexual difference of colour in the, 322.
  • British, ancient, tattooing practised by, 574,
  • Broca, Prof., on the occurrence of the supra-condyloid foramen in the human humerus, 22; anthropomorphous apes more bipedal than quadrupedal, 53; on the capacity of Parisian skulls at different periods, 55; comparison of modern and mediæval skulls, 55; on tails of quadrupeds, 58; on the influence of natural selection, 61; on hybridity in man, 170; on human remains from Les Eyzies, 181; on the cause of the difference between Europeans and Hindoos, 192.