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- Pugnacity of fine-plumaged male birds, 400.
- Pumas, stripes of young, 464.
- Puppies learning from cats to clean their faces, 73.
- Pycnonotus hœmorrhous, pugnacity of the male, 360; display of under tail coverts by the male, 402.
- Pyranga œstixa, male aiding in incubation, 453.
- Pyrodes, difference of the sexes in colour, 294.
- Quadrumana, hands of, 50; differences between man and the, 149; sexual differences of colour in, 537; ornamental characters of, 549; analogy of sexual differences of, with those of man, 558; fighting of males for the females, 562; monogamous habits of, 590; beards of the, 602.
- Quain, R., on the variation of the muscles in man, 26.
- Quatrefages, A. de, on the occurrence of a rudimentary tail in man, 22; on variability, 30; on the moral sense as a distinction between man and animals, 97; civilised men stronger than savages, 136; on the fertility of Australian women with white men, 170; on the Paulistas of Brazil, 173; on the evolution of the breeds of cattle, 177; on the Jews, 193; on the liability of negroes to tropical fevers after residence in a cold climate, 194; on the difference between field-and house-slaves, 196; on the influence of climate on colour, 196; colours of annelids, 265; on the Ainos, 560; 'on the women of San Giuliano, 586.
- Querquedula acuta, 414.
- Quetelet, proportion of sexes in man, 343; relative size in man and woman, 244.
- Quichua Indians, 34; local variation of colour in the, 196; no grey hair among the, 559; hairlessness of the, 561; long hair of the, 580.
- Quiscalus major, 225; proportions of the sexes of, in Florida and Honduras, 248.
- Rabbit, white tail of the, 542.
- Rabbits, domestic, elongation of the skull in, 56; modification of the skull, in by the lopping of the ear, 56; danger-signals of, 100; numerical proportion of the sexes in, 247.
- Races, distinctive characters of, 167, 168; or species of man, 168; crossed, fertility or sterility of, 170; of man, variability of the, 174; of man, resemblance of, in mental characters, 178; formation of, 181; of man, extinction of, 181; effects of the crossing of, 192; of man, formation of the, 192; of man, children of the, 557; beardless, aversion of, to hairs on the face, 580.
- Raffles, Sir S., on the banteng, 536.
- Rafts, use of, 48, 180.
- Rage, manifested by animals, 69.
- Raia batis, teeth of, 335.
- clavata, female spined on the back, 331; sexual difference in the teeth of, 334.
- maculata, teeth of, 335.
- Rails, spur-winged, 364.
- Ram, mode of fighting of the 508; African, mane of an, 532; fattailed, 532.
- Rameses II., features of, 168.
- Ramsay, Mr., on the Australian musk-duck, 359; on the regentbird, 413; on the incubation of Menura superba, 451.
- Rana esculenta, vocal sacs of, 350.
- Rat, common, general dispersion of, a consequence of superior cunning, 80; supplantation of the native, in New Zealand, by the European rat, 191; common, said to be polygamous, 218; numerical proportion of the sexes in, 247.
- Rats, enticed by essential oils, 530.
- Rationality of birds, 410.
- Rattle-snakes, difference of the sexes in the, 351; rattles as a call, 353.
- Raven, vocal organs of the 370; stealing bright objects, 413; pied, of the Feroe Islands, 424.
- Rays, prehensile organs of male, 331.