Page:Devil-Worship in France 1896.djvu/188

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personal authority, and that the ordeal of sacrilege was spared her by the clemency of Lucifer himself, who is supposed to appear in person at the Sanctum Regnum of Charleston and to instruct his chiefs, Deo volente or otherwise, every Friday, the supreme dogmatic director, who had made his home in Washington, having the gift of “instantaneous transportation,” whensoever he thought fit to be present in the “divine” board-room.

On the 5th of April 1889, the “good God” assembled his Ancients and Emerites for a friendly conversation upon the “case” of Diana Vaughan, and ended by requesting an introduction in three days’ time. After the best manner of the grimoires, Miss Vaughan began her preparations by a triduum, taking one meal daily of black bread, fritters of high-spiced blood, a salad of milky herbs, and the drink of rare old Rabelais. The preparations in detail are scarcely worth recording as they merely vary the directions in the popular chap-books of magic which abound in foolish France. At the appointed time she passed through the iron doors of the