Page:Devil-Worship in France 1896.djvu/231

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at the deed, and one sovereign delegate, who could not stand by (ne peut être présent), but the substitute of which wisely and prudently abstained from the vote at the first turn (au premier scrutin) and threw a blank ticket at the second, expound (verb governed by protesters) the acts and situation thence disastrously resulting for our holy cause."

Once more: "The present protesting vault aims at the two ballots (vise les deux scrutins), and requests to be proceeded urgently to their annulment." Again: "The Charleston's Brothers … have not acted in such a manner as to forfeit the whole Masonry's esteem … The direction … has not discontinued to prove foresight … It was injust to transfer," &c., and so on for sixteen printed pages which certainly deserve to rank among the curiosities of literature. This is the precious document which appears over the signatures of Alexander Graveson and Diana Vaughan, after which I submit to my readers that Signor Domenico Margiotta may be dismissed with all his file of papers, not as himself deceiving, but as singularly liable to deception,