Page:Devil stories - an anthology.djvu/328

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Baudelaire's disciple J. K. Huysmans similarly expresses in his novel Là-Bas (1891) the view that "the greatest power of Satan lies in the fact that he gets men to deny kim." (Cf. the present writer's essay "The Satanism of Huysmans" in The Open Court for April, 1920.) The devil mocks at this theological dictum in Pierre Veber's story "L'Homme qui vendit son âme au Diable" (1918). In Perkins's story "The Devil-Puzzlers" the devil expresses his satisfaction over his success in this regard.

The story "The Generous Gambler" first appeared in the Figaro of February, 1864, was reprinted under the title of "Le Diable" in the Revue du Dix-Neuvieme Sièle of June, 1866, and was finally included in Poèmes en Prose. This story has also been translated into English by Joseph T. Shipley.
