Page:Devil stories - an anthology.djvu/348

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Campe, Joachim Heinrich, 300

Carus, Paul, 315

Cazotte, Jacques, 318

Chamisso, Adalbert, 297

Chappuys, Gabriel, 281

Chateaubriand, François Auguste René, 283

Chatterton, Thomas, 283

Christliche Mystik (Gorres), 299

Conway, Moncure Daniel, 298, 318

Crépuscule des Dieux (Bourges), 315

Cumont, Franz, 315

Daborne, Robert, 281

Daniel and the Devil (Field), 294

Danish Legends (Thiele), 313

Dante Alighieri, 320

Daudet, Alphonse, 307-08

Defoe, Daniel, 317, 319

Demon Pope (Garnett), 315-16

Demonology and Devil-Lore (Conway), 298, 319

Demonology and Witchcraft (W. Scott), 285, 296

Deulin, Charles, 311-12

Devil (Gorky), 304, 321

Devil; his Origin, Greatness and Decadence (Réville), 309

Devil and his Dame (Houghton), 281

Devil and the Old Man (Masefield), 322-23

Devil and Tom Walker (Irving), 284-85

Devil in a Nunnery (Mann), 279-80

Devil in Germany (Freytag), 293

Devil in the Belfry (Poe), 301

Devil is an Ass (Jonson), 281

Devil-Puzzlers (Perkins), 306, 309-10, 317

Devil's Fiddle, 279

Devil's Mother-in-Law (Caballero), 300-02
