Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/114

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86 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. contains the whole, or a part, of the surname, or alludes to some exploit or characteristic, etc., of the bearer. Thus the conspicuous display of several points in the charge, seems to indicate, or suggest, the name Pont, or Ponte/' while the adoption of a Jordan almond might commemorate a journey to the Holy Land. No. 7. Wadacott, or De Wadecot : Arg. a bend gu., on a chief vert, a cinquefoil of the first (Holland says " two cinquefoils of the first quartered by Mr. Prouz," and thus it is represented in the coat above the memorial tablet, but the vert has faded to a bluish tint). This coat was brought in by the marriage of William's son William to Anstice, or Eustachia, dau. and heiress of Reginald Wadacott, or de Wadecot, of Chagford. No. 8. Cruwvs : Az. a bend per bend dancettee arg. and gu. between six escallops or. Brought in by the marriage of the last named William's son John to Maud, or Matilde, dau. of John Cruwys or Creuse, of Anstey Cruwys, son of Alexander Cruwes, of Cruwys Morchard, in the hundred of Witheridge. Carew adds " two martlets in chief," and says that it was quartered by Prouz. f No. 9. Norton: Arg. a fess dancetee gu. in chief two mart- lets sa. " quartered by Prouz," says Carew. Brought in by the marriage of the last named John's son Richard or Nicholas Prouz, of Chagford, to Mary or Margaret, dau. and heiress of William Norton, of Newton St. Cyres, in the hundred of Crediton. (Pole says, " And of Brock Hill in Broad Clyst.") No. 10. Orchard J : Az. a chevron arg. between three pears or, (" as quartered by Prouz," say Carey and Squiers). Brought in by the marriage of Richard's son John, of Chagford, § to Joan, dau. and heiress of John Orchard, of West Chaliacomb, in Combe Martin. • Luca de Ponte, Kt., witnessed a deed of Reginald de Mohun, Lord of Dunster, tempore Ed. I. t John Prouz's son John married Agnes, dau. of Thomas Bampfield of Poltimore, who bore or, on a bend ^u. three mullets arg. Risdon says his true arms were ^' paly of six, or ami v."

Orchard was J.P. in Devon 18 Ed. IV., 1477. 

§ He died 24 Sept., 1526. Inq. P. M.. 18 Henry VIII., No. 3.