Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/164

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128 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. Heavitree is the same as Ottery. Probably Wonford, on the banks of the Heavitree Avon, is really Auneford, but I have not found any example of this spelling ; in Domesday it is Wenfort. I have to thank Miss Lega-Weekes for the references from Carew's Scroll , of Arms. Kate M. Clarke. log. " Honiton Lace-Making, " by " Devonia," is the title of a book of 80 pp. illustrated by excellent designs signed "Olive" published by The Bazaar Office, 32, Wellington Street, Strand. It is undated, but was probably issued about 1880. In the text a Mrs. Carter, a lace maker, of Exmouth is mentioned. Can any reader disclose the identity of "Devonia" and "Olive." Curiosus II. iio. Crest of Strode of Devon. — On a mount, a savin tree ppv. fvucted gules. This is the description at the College of Arms of the crest of "Strode" of Devon, but when I called there some few years ago no one could tell me what a "savin tree" was. The crest as blazoned varied from an oak to a tree like one taken from a Noah's Ark ! It was suggested to me that it was really an oak with red acorns. The family motto did not though agree with that, being " Hieme viresco " ("In winter I grow green "), or as it is properly translated, " In winter I flourish." Shortly after my visit to the college I was busy at home planting trees and talking to the old workman. He said,

    • They savins will poison anything " It was thus that I

found out what I had wanted so long to discover — the " savins " were " Yews " — and I also had a lesson in heraldry where least expected. Q^^ p - ' y^'y^/^^- G. S. III. CoMBEMARTiN SiLVER. — A short while ago I saw a small waiter, now in the possession of the Rev. Cople- stone, of Offwell, 7 inches in diameter with a border of scroll and shell work, bearing London hall marks for 1847 and made by Messrs. Barnard which was also stamped " Combemartin Silver." This must be one of the latest pieces made from this Devonshire silver, as the mines were closed in 1848, and though opened again in 1875 there was then no success. I should be glad to hear of any other pieces stamped " Combemartin Silver." J. F. Chanter. " Combemartm bilver.