Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/183

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Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 141 No. No. in 1697 Modern Catalogue. Press Mark. Subject. Date. 69 2234 !I 320 Jac. Januensis Sermons 15th „ 70 I901 „ 92 Ambrose, De of&c minist.' I2th „ 71 2634 ., 720 Gilbertus Anglicus, etc. 14th .. 72 1922 „ 149 Augustine, Opuscula I2th „ 73 2609 „ 708 Gregory's Pastoral* nth „ 74 2602 „ 849 Bede on Canonical Epistlesf 9th „ 75 2334 „ 335 Peter Lombard's Sentences 14th „ 76 2241 11 279 Holcote on Wisdom 14th „ 77 2626 786 Medical 13th „ 78 2739 „ 301 Augustine on S. John I2th „ 79 2737 .. 865 /Ric. Armachanus iLib. Legum ecclesiast 15th „ nth „ 80 2046 ,, 482 Barthol, Exoniensis 13th „ 81 2629 Auct. Di,7 Gloss on Luke and John 13th „ 82 2133 Auct. Di, i: Gloss on Acts — Apocal. 13th „ 83 2337 Auct. D2, 8 Gloss on Psalms I2th „ 84 2638 Auct.Dmf,2, rCassianus de institut. lApocalypse loth „ nth „ 85 2666 Auct. F3,6 Prudentius* nth „ 86 2654 Bodl. 725 Comm. on S. Paul's Epistles 13th „ This only accounts for 86 of the 130 said to have been given to the Bodleian, but they really represent more, as, for instance, No. 85 represents three volumes of the Exeter catalogue ; probably, also, No. 3 was counted as three, and 31, 67 and 79 were certainly counted as two, and probably others. It will be seen from the list that there are only five with the Leofric inscriptions, but there are also two others, Nos. 25 and 74, that in Mr. Craster's opinion are also Leofric books, though they no longer contain his usual anathema. And though I am not in a position to form any opinion, not having made a personal inspection of the MSS., I would suggest that No. 45 may be another ; and as No. 85 corres- ponds to Nos. 41, 42 and 43 in Warren's list in his edition of the Leofric Missal, this would bring up the number of Leofric books at the Bodleian to ten. Six other MSS., Nos. 8, 28, 31, 50, 79 and 84, are eleventh century or earlier, and one or more of these may be possibly Leofric books, though there is none we can identify with the list as given by Warren, unless 50, Gregory on Ezekiel, is the Book of Ezekiel, No. 44, in Warren's list. But the New Summary Catalogue of the Bodleian MSS., which is about to be pub- lished, may throw some light on these points, and Mr. Craster

  • With Leofric's inscription. f Probably a Leofric Book, No. 51.