Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/21

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Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 3 3. John Weston, Sculptor, Exon. — Can any readers of D. S'C. N. S* Q. give me any information about John Weston, an Exeter sculptor who worked at the beginning of the 1 8th century. He executed several monuments in our parish churches, all marked by the same characteristics — mural tablets, at the base of which are marble reliefs upheld by skulls. The earliest of these is at Ashprington, near Totnes, on a monument of John Kelland 1712. The rehef represents the last judgment. The same subject is sculptured on the memorial of Jonathan I vie 17 17, now in St. Petrock's Church, Exeter, formerly at St. Kerrians. The work is very good, in fact the best of all these reliefs. It was photographed for me by Miss K. M. Clarke as an illustration for my Exeter Churches. The late Mr. R. Dymond said that the sculpture was signed ** John Weston fecit," but I have never been able to find the signature. It may, however, be behind the monument, and Mr. Dymond may have seen it on its removal from St. Kerrian's Church. Another representation of the same subject is at Whitchurch, Tavistock ; the memorial commemorates " John Francis Pen- gelly, barrester, Jan. i, 1722." Here the work is signed " John Weston fecit Exon." At St. Andrew's, Plymouth, a relief with the Resurrection is appended to the monument of Canon Gilbert ryya . The large mural tablet to Captain Joseph Taylor, at Denbury, has a naval battle sculptured on just such another relief. Recently while noting this monument I glanced at tlie skulls and reflected, " This is like Weston's work." Immediately afterwards I perceived "John Weston fecit " at the top of the monument. The date of this memorial is 1733, which makes it the latest example of Weston's work known to us. Beatrix F. Cresswell. 4. Oliver Mainwaring (V., par. 37, p. 50). — To the incomplete pedigree can now be added one match. Oliver Mainwaring of Exeter and Windleshaw, co. Lanes., was the seventh son of George Mainwaring of Exeter (he was a noted Recusant), He married Margaret Torboch, second surviving daughter and co-heir of Wm. Torboch of Torboch Hall, co. Lanes., gent., and Katharine, daughter of Sir Thomas Gerard, of Bryan, co. Lanes.