Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/215

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Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 159 130. "Crowned." — Curious Entry from Kingsbridge Parish Register.— Can any reader explain the meaning of "crowned" in the following entry from Kingsbridge Parish Register: — "1680. Susanna Mortymore being drowned in the back broocke the 4th of Juen, was crowned the 5th day of the same month and buried the same day." Extractus, 131. Angel Inn, Okehampton. — On page 103 of the appendix Early Tours in Devon and Cornwall — " The Travels of Cosmo III.," it is stated that " On alighting [at Okehampton] his highness was received by the Mayor and Aldermen, and put up at the Angel Inn." The writer, who has for some time taken an interest in old hostelries, is acquainted with all the present and many of the past inns of Okehampton, but has never heard of the Angel. Can any reader say where it was situated ? T. Oke. 132. Sir Nathaniel Hern. — Information is sought as to why Sir Nathaniel Hern, of London, merchant, ims knighted at Windsor on the gth August, 1674 ? What public office, if any, did he fill in the City of London ? In the church of St. Petrock, Dartmouth, on a tablet is the following inscription : — " Sir Nathaniel Hern of ye city of London K'- upon his sole cost brought a pipe of water for ye supplying of Diwimys Conduit in this Parish. Anno Dom. 1677." Any information on the foregoing queries will be much appreciated... J , Sam. Hern. 133. Sittings in Churches (IX., pp. ii6-iig, par. 100). — In addition to the valuable information given by Miss Cresswell respecting church sittings, it may interest Mr. F. Day and others to learn that in mediaeval times there were provided in some churches stone seats other than the stone- benches, or ' bench-tables,' running along the walls. These were formed round the bases of the arcade-piers ; and although they are of rare occurrence in comparison with the stone bench-tables of the walls, yet Dr. Cox (see English Church Furniture, p. 262) quotes three instances, viz.: S. Michael's, Sutton Bennington, Notts; Coddington, Notts ; and Lydd, Kent ; and I have seen another, not mentioned by him, in the parish church of Moulton, Lines,