Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/226

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170 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. W™- Darche 24/8 : Mr. Rychards 20/- : Mr. Rychards oweth more for corn 15/- : John Everton 20/- : Henry Westhome 10/- : the harper's wife 5/- : the wid: Willes 12 : Simon Berye 12'* : R. Berye 10/-: John Poynter la"* : Haywood 3/9: Thomas Tenante 3/10 : John Webber the younger 23^^ : John Dynnys 10/-; Roger Daleighe 17/- 6 April, 1597, Admon : with Will annexed granted to Joane Relict. {P.R.B., Exeter). John Mercer, of Ottery St. Mary, co. Devon, gent., to bee buried in the church of Ottery St. Mary. 40s. to poore of Ottery St. Mary. I give unto John Mercer William Mercer Robert Mercer Margaret Oliver wife of Joseph Oliver Esqre and Elizabeth Moore Esq my sons and daughters unto each of them 20s. : To dearly beloved wife all the rents and yeerely profitts of all my Lands Tenements and Lease- hold Estates lying within this county unto her, her assigns, etc. : house courtlage and garden in the towne of Ottery St. Mary which I now live in and lately bought of Samuell Isaacke: Lands at Ipplepen to grandson Richard Mercer his heirs and assigns after wife's decease : loving wife Mrs. Sarah Mercer whole and sole executrix. Witnesses — George Ware Ann Sander, Jos: Bickford : Dated 13 August 1694. Proved 15 March 1694-5. {Court of the Archdeacon of Exeter). Inventory ;^i73 17s. lod. : Goods at Bishopp Court : signed by Henry Marker, John Baron. Seal. Arms — A chevron between three dogs trippant, in chief three wolves' heads. Malachy Mercer, of the City of Exeter, Apothecary : To flfather John Mercer, brother John Mercer and sister Jael Mercer, rings : whereas I am now entitled unto estates and interested in one third part (the whole in three parts to bee divided) of the Inheritance of one messuage and dwelling house w"' the app' situate and lieing in the parish of Ottery St. Mary Co. Devon wherein my said ffather John Mercer now lives I do hereby give devise and bequeath my said third part of the said messuage or dwelling house unto my said ffather for the term of 50 years if he should happen to live so long and after his death to my deare wife Susanna her heirs and assigns for ever : said wife Susanna the residue and to be sole ex'""' Dated 4 Jany. 171 1. (W.) Mary Trewman Will: Barter, John Trewman, Proved 9 April, 1712. {Arch- deaconry of Exeter).