Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/253

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Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 195 in six reigns and I in five. I was ordained by Bishop Phillpotts more than sixty years ago. I can go to London now [from Launceston] much sooner than it used to take me to ride on the mail from Bxeter to Launceston. We left the New London Inn (Cockram's) at 3.30 a.m. and got here at 9 a.m. numbed with the cold." Rippon, as depicted astride the brewery horse, is certainly a fine looking man, apparently well over six feet. He is booted and spurred and wears a surcoat charged with the arms of England ; in his right Jiand, which is encased in a leather glove with large gauntlet, he holds a baton. On his head he wears an elaborate erection made up of what resembles a jockey's cap with peak, beneath an elaborate college cap, or mortar board as we used to call them, with tassels suspended from each corner and a rose in the front, the whole being surmounted by a large plume of six ostrich feathers. His horse is covered with a cloth and harness ornamented with tassels and rosettes. It would be of interest to learn something of the history of the office of Herald which Rippon held. What body appointed him and by whose authority did he wear such a gorgeous uniform ? Was he appointed by the City Chamber ? — the predecessor of the present day City Marshal perhaps. H. Tapley-Soper. 163. Exeter Cathedral Library (IX., p. 177, par. 142, et ante.) — Since the paragraph mentioned above was written Dr. Craster has most kindly examined the Exeter- Bodleian MSS. He went through my list of suggested identifications and compared the 2° folio of each volume. In the course of this work he has added seven more MSS. as " almost certainly " belonging to the Dean and Chapter's gift, making 93 volumes in all. Of these nine cannot be found in the 1506 Inventory ; these are : — Nos. 14, 23, 28, 44, 45, 53, 60, 65 and 73 of Dr. Craster's list." Probably five of these were Leofric MSS., and may have been too precious to be used in the Cathedral services or in the Library, so were put away safely, thus escaping being inventoried. It is a comfort to read in Canon Dalton's Collegiate Chirch

  • No. 14, Bible, should be entered as 13-14111 century, not I2th.