Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/260

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202 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. which she said came from a little ' caave which cried out as they drawed a stick across his stomach — There now, I cude 'ardly bare for hear 'um, he groaned so terrible-Hke.' " Saunders mentioned in the above extract from Canon Shearme's letter is referred to in Lively Recollections on pp. 32-4 : " At the neighbouring village of Poughill there dwelt a musical genius named Saunders, who had for many years been inventing an instrument of the harmonium species. No one had ever seen it, though many had listened to weird howls and growls and shrill whistling sounds proceeding from his house. Great was the excitement, therefore, when it was announced that the instrument was actually com- pleted and would be played for the first time in Poughill Church on Christmas afternoon as an accompaniment to an anthem, composed especially for the occasion by the talented Saunders. My brother and I determined to go and hear it. The service proceeded as usual, till the proper moment for the anthem arrived. The Vicar, not knowing what title to give it, simply announced : * Let us sing to the praise and glory of God — the anthem.' Then was heard much pre- liminary tuning of fiddles, bass-viols, flutes and clarionets, interspersed with unearthly noises from the new instrument. The congregation turned round to face the west gallery, as was the custom whenever an anthem was given. At length the curtain which hid the choir was drawn aside and the singing began with female voices alone : ' And Josup,' the male voices continuing : * And Maary.' This was repeated several times, accompanied by tremendous blasts of in- strumental chords, in which Saunders' new invention took a very prominent, though very unharmonious part. Then the anthem proceeded, women and men singing the same words alternately." Eds. i6g. Legge, Robert, of Grete Totton, Devon. — A friend recently supplied me with an extract from the will of Robert Legge, of Grete Totton as follows : — ♦' I bequeath my soul to Almighty God and my body to holy grave to be buried in the church erth of our blessed lady's pisshe church of the saide grete Totton. It : I bequeath to the Prior and vicary of the said church for tithes and offerynges forgotten vi viii^-